[SOLVED] Can my Motherboard run this?

Apr 27, 2020
So im having some sudden FPS drops in games, like PUBG, Warzone and Guild Wars 2 and its getting really disturbing.
A friends opinion was that my CPU is the prime culprit and that changing it will result in a much stable gaming experience. He recommended me the Intel Core i7-9700k and that it should be more than enough for my gaming and the years to come. But can my motherboard run it? Is there any better option? Any help will be much apreciated.
Current pc specs :
CPU: intel core i5-6500 3.2
MOBO: Gigabyte B250M-DS3H-CF
RAM: Corsair Vengence 16GB 3200mhz
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1060 6gb
So im having some sudden FPS drops in games, like PUBG, Warzone and Guild Wars 2 and its getting really disturbing.
A friends opinion was that my CPU is the prime culprit and that changing it will result in a much stable gaming experience. He recommended me the Intel Core i7-9700k and that it should be more than enough for my gaming and the years to come. But can my motherboard run it? Is there any better option? Any help will be much apreciated.
Current pc specs :
CPU: intel core i5-6500 3.2
MOBO: Gigabyte B250M-DS3H-CF
RAM: Corsair Vengence 16GB 3200mhz
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1060 6gb
You can also get a ryzen 5 2600 or 3600 which is way cheaper and the gaming performance is close to the i9 9900k. Ryzen would be very good for you because you already have a nice 16GB of fast ram which is very good if you're running Ryzen CPU's. And yes the i9 9900K has some faster performance in games but still, it costs 400 bucks more than the ryzen 5 3600. Both the 2600 and 3600 come with a cooler and the I9 9900K does not. So you will have to pay even more for the I9 9900K
You can also get a ryzen 5 2600 or 3600 which is way cheaper and the gaming performance is close to the i9 9900k. Ryzen would be very good for you because you already have a nice 16GB of fast ram which is very good if you're running Ryzen CPU's. And yes the i9 9900K has some faster performance in games but still, it costs 400 bucks more than the ryzen 5 3600
I9 9900K vs Ryzen 5 3600. In this video you can see that they still are comparable to each other :)