Can my pc handle medium-high 1080p gaming

spencer casey

Jun 12, 2014
Hello I recently built a PC and I was wondering if it can play games at 1080p at medium-high settings, here are my specs.
CPU - AMD Athlon X4 760K 3.8GHz Quad-Core
Motherboard - MSI A78M-E35 Micro ATX FM2+
RAM - Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600
Graphics Card - Sapphire Radeon R9 270 2GB Dual-X
Power Supply - Corsair 500W ATX12V

The games I play are games like Payday 2, Borderlands the Presequel and I plan on getting GTA V for PC when it comes out and Watchdogs. Can my PC run these games on medium-high settings and also if I was to upgrade it what should I upgrade first?

Would it be a bad idea to get a new graphics card?
kids are playing on a q6600, r9-270, 4 gb system and play on 1080p with most of the eye candy turned on. don't know about every game out there but medium-high settings should not be out of the question for your set-up for many games and ultra on slightly older games based on what my kids are doing.
battlefield 3, dragons age, alien isolation, a few of the call of duty games (don't recall which ones) and other misc shoot em up games they seem to like. the older ones easily play on ultra but the newest call of duty they have is set at high i believe.

Even tho if I got a good card like a gtx 780 or 770 or a higher card would it be a good idea to get the graphics card first or a new CPU first so that it does not bottleneck, I was thinking about an i5 4440 for a new CPU.