Can my pc handle MSI Gtx 1060 6G?


Nov 25, 2016
I am wanting to buy a new graphics card. But i've been told me pc cant handle the 1060's power.

My specs: 16gb ram
Intel core i7-2600k CPU 3.40GHz

If you need more information let me know.

I have a power supply with 230w (EDIT) My bad, it says 230v not 230w... (EDIT)


I could not find out the watt, if so i would need to remove the power supply, but it said i have 230v -275v


I opened my pc and got the power supply out. It says it has 850w. But keep in mind that this power supply is about 4-5 years old.

No you are not doing that. You can take a picture of the PSU's sticker and post it here without removing it from the case. It will look like this:
