Running at 75hz and a 60FPS limit will always results in tearing. Basically the screen is re-drawing 75 times a second, and you are only giving it up to date information at intervals smaller than that. What monitors do without synching is grab whatever is in the frame buffer at the time they are drawing. That should mean that it will draw a whole frame and start re-drawing the same frame until your GPU generates a new one. This is likely placing your tears at the top or bottom of the screen where it is less noticeable.
V-Sync/Adaptive V-Sync forces the Monitor to wait to draw a frame that the GPU has fully prepared on a fixed cadence. This inherently causes delay as your system could possibly create frames faster or slower, and if it is missed, then it will draw the same frame again. V-Sync works great when your system can always deliver greater than the refresh rate, and poorly when it can't. So that might be part of the problem, asking too much of the system.
I imagine your discomfort with 60FPS/75hz is that parts of the screen are not keeping up with your in-game motion, and may feel like hitching or delays. It is also possible/probable that your screen tear moves up or down the screen about once a second. So you are getting a single tear that moves rather than the more common 'static' tear which is when the tear happens in same spot over and over within a small number of vertical pixels.
You can get even further smoothness by finding and enabling triple buffering, but that adds more latency. Great for single player games though.
FreeSync/G-Sync/AdaptiveSync basically hand control of the start of the refresh cycle to the GPU. The GPU/game engine estimate the expected FPS output and tell the monitor to adopt that refresh cycle and it will supply a frame to the monitor only when it is fully drawn so no tearing is ever present. There is still some added delay, but it is minimized as much as possible, particularly in G-Sync module equipped monitors. Most people can't tell the difference between FreeSync and G-Sync.