Can someone recommend a PSU?


Sep 22, 2015
I am looking for a PSU that does not use plastic shroud to prevent shorts. Instead I was wondering if there were any that used different material that isn't going to shift, warp, or rattle.
psu shifting, warping, plastic shrouds and rattling are all very uncommon, pick something with decent reviews and youll probably be fine. if you want a recommendation you'll have to specify computer specs, how much you care about looks, and how much you care about sound.

Just wondering if anyone knows of any PSU's that doesn't use them. I've cracked into many a PSU and this seems to be the main reason, at least in my experience, for coil whine or chirping. Excluding fan noise of course. I usually take the plastic out and replace. And I don't recommend doing this and voiding your warranty. I am a professional welder and maintenance things that make a PSU look like a pop gun. So any PSU that doesn't use them would be greatly appreciated.