[SOLVED] Can someone tell me how I can fix my PC?

May 4, 2020
Hi, whenever I turn my PC "On", it shows the american mega trends logo. Then the screen goes black after 5 seconds and restarts again. It repeats this forever. I don't know how to boot into safe mode, or even boot into windows. It doesn't even show the windows loading circle. Can someone help me fix this or help me boot into safe mode. (I tried the "turn off 3 times and didn't work)
(All I can do is boot into BIOS ;-😉
Such symptoms are those of a ram problem.
The motherboard tries to find a ram setting that works.
If you can see the bios screen, that is good.
Try running memtest86.
It boots from a usb stick and does not use windows.
You can download the free edition here:

If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.