Question Can this monitor be fixed?


Jul 26, 2017
Hey guys, I would appreciate getting some help determining whether my monitor is fixable or do I need to scrap it and buy a new one. Please look at the videos below to see what is happening with the screen, as I can barely describe it with my own words, I've never seen a monitor do this.

Also worthy to note that I never dropped, hit, or damaged the monitor in any way. (The monitor is MSI MAG241CP 1080p 144hz)

What you see in video "monitor" is what happens for a while, and then that thing that you see eventually fills the whole screen and then it just goes fully black. Then you can see how its just a black screen with some blue pixels on the bottom.
Monitor Video

Thanks for the help!


One thought being that as the monitor or current host computer warms up something expands and causes the problem.

Methodically swap video ports and cables to determine if doing so makes any difference.

Test the monitor on another known working computer.

Test another known working monitor on the current host computer.

Determine if the problem follows the monitor or stays with the current host computer.
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Jul 26, 2017
One thought being that as the monitor or current host computer warms up something expands and causes the problem.

Methodically swap video ports and cables to determine if doing so makes any difference.

Test the monitor on another known working computer.

Test another known working monitor on the current host computer.

Determine if the problem follows the monitor or stays with the current host computer.
Im sorry, I forgot to mention the fact that I have tried using a different display port cable and port, and I even tried using HDMI and none of these options work. Currently I am using an old monitor on HDMI and the computer and monitor are working fine


Seconding @ex_bubblehead .

Remember that even if repairs are less than a new monitor the repair work will likely have a very short "warranty" time if any such warranty is even offered.

And those warranties usually just cover the installed parts and specific repair work.

If something else fails on the old monitor you would be out the costs of the repair work and then need to purchase another monitor anyway....