Can VPN be seen?


Oct 21, 2009
I work in Africa and my company provides my internet service via Satellite. I sign in to a local server and then the signal is sent up to the Sat and then down to another server in the US. Can someone with Admin privileges on the local server see that I am using a VPN? Apparently my company is hiring a local "IT expert" whos sole job is to monitor the server for VPN activity! I understand the need to limit downloads and even to block some sites, but they are now talking about blocking facebook because of the steaming videos.

Can they see what I am doing that easily?
Answer: You deserve to be fired. You are stealing your company's PAID for resources (did you pay for that server? do you monthly pay for the Sat service for the entire company?) just as much as if you took the company car to go to on a date, or 'borrowed' some 'petty cash' they left in the drawer. Your committing theft, so you better quit today before they gather enough evidence (depending on your Government, State, local laws) to sue you for the theft (i.e. you cost the company XYZ amount of money for using ABC amount of unauthorized 'VPN' bandwidth they had to pay each month).


Oct 21, 2009
Too bad you have no idea of what you speak. Part of my contract requires them to provide internet access. I am not stealing anything! I just don't like this NEW (not what I agreed to when I hired on) wrinkle in the system. I have no other options when it comes to internet. I am not in a town where I can just go get my own provider, or I would!

The answer is yes they can see you and it would be wrong to do it. Have a word with your line manager and point out that Facebook is your only contact with the outside world and you think you should be entitled to use it for family contact, etc., in your own time. Assure them you aren't looking at videos so you won't be using any substantial amount of bandwidth.