Can you exist without your cell phone

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My understanding is that both sides in the cold war tested such devices and it is a fact that military grade electronics are shielded from EMP. From what I have heard several large yield megaton devices detonated in a footprint in the upper ionosphere would basically kill all the electronics in an area the size of a continent. Basically creating a solar storm on the planetary side of the ionosphere that protects us from the sun. Something not talked about much the same way neutron bombs aren't.

I was never military though and I don't know for sure as I don't have access to classified information. I just read a lot.

I'm also pretty sure we can do EMP on a much smaller scale ( non nuclear of course! ) and that we used such devices against Iraq's power grid in 2003.

So you made me wonder if I might be mistaken. Nope. It's worse than I thought. Smaller weapons could be used. I thought it took megaton range thermonuclear devices ( meaning US, Russia, UK, France, China and maybe Israel ) and it seems even a smaller crude atomic bomb would do it. Here is some fun reading. Seems like North Korea has been practicing.

James Woolsey was director of the CIA and Undersecretary of the Navy if you didn't know.

Absolutely, the cell phone is an annoyance. My work provides and pays for it so that can put me on call. (Lovely.) Pretty well the only things I do on it are use it as a slightly more modern pager when I am on call and talk with my wife randomly and my immediate family members every couple of weeks. Don't laugh but I had a 1980s-era non-alphanumeric pager until very recently because a 159.25 MHz signal out of a 1000 watt transmitter carried much better than a 900-1900 MHz few hundred watt cell signal. I live in a pretty rural area with very spotty cell coverage so the cell phone is really an annoyance to even use for personal use as calls break up and drop. That's a feature for work and a bug for personal use.
I have a cell and a tablet. I bought the latter to see what it was capable of and I discovered it could do everything my phone could except fit in my pocket.

For sale - 1 tablet. I will grudgingly accept it's easier to write in the Termninal Emulator on the tablet.
Therefore there is a hope one can exist without a cell phone in their lives.Thanks

I could as all I have is a Motorola flip phone and just use it for phone calls, no texting, but my wife has gone Geek with her smart phone, if I need to talk with her even in the house, I have to call her on her phone! :pfff:

Smart phones seem to be very addictive, they probably designed them that way, I'm sure sales are through the roof!

When someone is so into their phone activity they walk into and intersection head down, not paying attention and get hit by a car, they definitely have a problem!

At least my wife and I have a hopefully solid agreement that she will not text and drive!
Whenever people obsess with their phones I just start babbling on to them about inferior hardware for a huge price but no one seems to pay heed to me. Not to mention the typical $200 monthly fee. What I think looks cooler are some of those Smart watches, I'd be more interested in those than a phone.
Like the Apple watch way overpriced for $350.. I think.


Eh, I actually disagree. Consider the fact that most normal expensive watches are around $400. Then take into consideration that the Apple Watch does more than all those watches, and the price is reasonable. It has a pretty attractive look to it also. One major reason to wear the Apple Watch is not for its functionalities but to have people say "Oh wow you have the Apple Watch awesome" - bragging rights.

And have it be functionally obsolete in 2 years.
A real $400 watch will last decades.

If having an Apple Watch for bragging rights is what you seek, well....

I never said I seek it, but others surely will. So you really think the people buying these watches are going, "Oh the internal hardware is going to be obsolete in 2 years so I best not get it"? No, they're consumers who want a smart watch to look cool and have a screen.

A fool and his money...
I'm not the market for one. Nor an iPhone. Nor any phone plan that is more than $10/month.
You are right Sir. Especially A Rolex or a Tag Heaurer. The value goes up not down.
I'm too poor for one of those but my forty three year old Sekonda needs only to be corrected by around a minute every three days, providing I remember to wind it up every day.

I struggle to see the time some days and certainly couldn't make sense of any more detail than that on a watch size screen.
I most definitely can't.
A few months back my phone broke, and I got a c. 2010 Android phone while mine was fixed. It was only a week or so, but it was the worst week so far when it comes to staying connected.