Question Can you expand the memory Raspberry Pi 2GB board?


Feb 23, 2020
I have a little game renderer, one of those Amazon Specials, with all the 1980's arcade games and consoles on a micro sd card. It's a little jumpy on the more modern games and I was wondering if there is a way to add memory to it or expand to a better gpu or whatever might be possible to make it perform a little better? I'm asking from a point of total ignorance on anything Raspberry Pi.

I was able to figure out without taking it apart that it is a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2GB variant. But that's all I know.
I have a little game renderer,
SD card?

Because larger games need to read a lot more data and a slow sd card will cause longer waits, but it's not a guarantee, it might just be the best the pi can do.
You can watch a few youtube videos on pi emulation, that will show if your games run worse then they do for others.
Also the OS (frontend) they load into can have an affect on how games play, some are even made to do some overclocking on the pi and will make it run somewhat better.