Can you trick steam?

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Oct 15, 2013
Hi guys i wonder if i can login in my friends Steam accounte then download a game that was free for a week-end but i missed it and i couldn't get it so if i can login in his profile steam then download the game then install it then return to my profile and add it like a non-steam game and play online with him?
thanks in advance
To my understanding .... games are tied to their respective accounts. That's just an observation from having 3 kids with Steam accounts. When one wants to play the others game, they use their brother's logon creds

So if we do the inverse and he logs in my account and add the game to my library as non steam game will it work ?

We wan't to play co-op please i'm not a pirate and i don't wan't to be one 🙁

1) Once a 'free weekend' has ended (actually ends on Sunday, starts on Friday) it is over, you do NOT have access to the game and STEAM checks for this before it launches.
2) What your suggesting is PIRACY, as the game is NOT your purchased copy, so once you log into YOUR account for YOU to play, then NO you can't play it UNLESS YOU BUY IT. ONE GAME-ONE ACCOUNT-ONE USER, period.

Then you simply need to purchase the game. Steam will not allow you to do as you suggested. Also, it would be considered theft and we can't help you with that.

Hi accesgranted1,

Whenever games are placed on a free-weekend promotion on Steam the game is no longer available to any of the players that took advantage of the promotion after the free weekend has finished. This means that your friend will not have access to the game any longer either. This is somewhat different than EA's Origin platform which regularly gives away games for free without any time limitation (although some games such as Titanfall have been placed on similar free-weekend promotions).

If you wish to play the game with your friend, both you and your friend will have to purchase copies of the game.
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