Question Cannot Add Email Account in Thunderbird (v.115.7.0)

Jun 28, 2023
As the subject line says, I cannot add an email account to Thunderbird. This started as a problem trying to add a new email account; but in trying to resolve the issue, I deleted some accounts that had been working and now cannot add them back. I've tried this running both Windows 10 and Windows 11 on different laptops with Thunderbird V.115.7.0. I've also tried Epyrus. If you have suggestions for free email clients, I'd appreciate hearing them as I'm weary of having to rely on webmail from different providers.

Just to set the stage, in Thunderbird - and other email clients - when setting up and account one provides the email address and a user name, a password (associated with the email address at one's ISP mail servers, presumably) then provides network server name, port number, and security/encryption protocol for that server. These variables are provided for both inbound, either IMAP or POP3, and outbound, SMTP, services. After these entries in Thunderbird it checks those mail server variables at the domain from the email address for validity and returns either a green light or an error. If there is an error one corrects entries that are wrong and resubmits. If there is no error one clicks DONE, and Thunderbird attempt to verify the user credentials - name/email/password.

I've done that dozens of times without success. I've even resorted to copying a pasting the passwords and server variables to avoid typos. This occurs with all email servers I use gmail, my ISP (astound), and IONOS.
Because I get a green light after the mail server variables are tested, I am reasonably certain that the problem lies with the step that verifies user credentials. I am sure that the credentials given are correct because I copy and paste the same information from the same sources to access those services webmail successfully.

I've struggled with this for weeks. Posts to Mozilla Support Forums have yielded no solutions. The service providers blame Thunderbird and offer no support for it. I've deleted the app and downloaded and installed fresh versions to no avail.

I'm a retired IT puke who started with private networks over leased lines in the '70s, before TCIP and packet switching; however, I gained a little knowledge of the protocols before I retired. I don't know for sure how the signalling works, but here's my inference (assuming no network failure):
  • Thunderbird validates my data entry then sends the server variables test message
  • The server then responds with a success or failure message which Thunderbird interprets then provides a response (green light or failure, eg invalid variable which is not identified)
  • When server variables are greenlighted and Thundebird indicates this, I click on DONE
  • Thunderbird sends a mesage to the indicated domain from the email address (eg, gmail, astound, IONOS)
  • The domain servers perform credentials tests and respond with a pass/fail message to Thunderbird
  • Thunderbird provides a screen indicating results obtained.
I've looked as this problem for so long now that I probably have tunnel vision and cannot recognize what, if anything, I'm doing wrong.

If anyone can suggest things to try, I'd be grateful. I've already done everything I can to verify server configuration variables are correct and are provided correctly.


Can't address all of those but for Gmail I just built two new machines and had to change my Gmail to IMAP and then generate a specific password for Thunderbird over at my gmail account -- it is not the same password as your web access to gmail (for security).

Go into your gmail account, security, 2 step verifications, and then scroll to the bottom where it says app passwords, type in Thunderbird and it will give you the password to use with that program.

THIS is the current way to set up gmail in Thunderbird -- the part at the bottom about the app specific password is the key to getting it to work. This is newer and if you set it up a while back it will still work the old way but new setups need to be set up like this.
Jun 28, 2023
Thanks, RealBeast.

I'm just getting back to this issue; been living with IMAP since I got it to work.

Quote: "Go into your gmail account, security, 2 step verifications, and then scroll to the bottom where it says app passwords, type in Thunderbird and it will give you the password to use with that program."

I'm afraid I don't understand the above. I did not have to use 2-step authentication when I logged in to one of my gmail accounts, only username and password. That took me to the webmail pages. I can't find any security or app password links. Can you help me understand the navigation you described?