Cannot connect to specific game servers


Aug 9, 2017
EDIT: May have found a way to fix it

Just yesterday I found that I couldn't connect to specific game servers to either download updates or to play in general on multiplayer servers. There was also a case of the voice and text application "Discord" being stuck in a constant loop of "Checking for updates," but however works on its website version.

I've gone through a whole list of things from resetting my router to factory settings, opening ports, unplugging my router for more than 10 minutes, renewing my IP, resetting my TCP/IP, resetting my winsock entries, disabling my anti-virus, disabling windows firewall and various other things. I would however like to note that resetting my router to factory settings does let me connect to the servers for about a minute before going back to its previous state and that some game servers will allow me to connect though it is far and few between. There is also the fact that my PS4 console works perfectly fine on connecting to various games but it is Ethernet cable connected.

I'm going crazy on how much I can do currently and I feel like it's going to drive me more mad having to go through more forums, posts, and sites.
Please help! Even if I have to go through all of the steps above again I'd appreciate the help.

EDIT: May have found a way to fix it
EDIT: May have found a way to fix it. Seems to be a problem with an application that monitors my internet speeds and sets limits to what gets what.
EDIT: May have found a way to fix it. Seems to be a problem with an application that monitors my internet speeds and sets limits to what gets what.