Cannot power on rebuilt PC


May 5, 2017
CPU: AMD FX-9590
GPU: GTX 970
Motherboard: Gigabyte 990fxa-ud3 r5
Case: Thermaltake Chaser MK-I

I recently upgraded the case for my PC because the one I had was small and I wanted more room for future upgrades, but after gutting the parts from my old case and moving them into my new case it wont power on. When I power it on the only thing that happens is the power LED thing goes on and does its thing, but I dont hear any other part turning on. I've checked to make sure all the wires are plugged in and are secure and I have read my motherboard manual checking that those little wires for the power and power led are all in correctly. I've been looking online for solutions and fiddling with it all day and can't seem to fix the problem. Maybe I plugges something in wrong?

I tried my best to take pictures of the situation (the cable management sucks)

Thank you for the help!
So that's not the problem. Next thought is the front panel On / Off pushbutton. It may be faulty, or its wiring may be. Here's how to test for that.

This is the "screwdriver test". Look in your mobo's manual on p. 25 at the F_PANEL connector diagram (lower right corner of your mobo). It is laid out as two rows on 10 pins each (a few pins missing). In the top row, 3rd and 4th pins from the left are the Power Switch contacts where you plug in the front pushbutton switch leads. All that pushbutton does when you press it is to short those two leads together; it un-shorts them when you release the button. It is just like a common household doorbell pushbutton. So you can simulate its action. If you can, remove the two leads from those two pins and leave them exposed. Ensure that the switch on the back of the PSU is on. Use a small metal screwdriver with straight blade to momentarily (1 sec is enough) short together those two pins on the header. If everything is OK, this action will cause the system to power on and boot. If that happens, you know the problem is in the front panel switch or its wiring. (Note that polarity of the connections for this switch does NOT matter.)

As another test (or even as a work-around if you can't fix a faulty switch) the Reset pushbutton on the front is the same switch design. You can simply connect the leads from the front Reset switch to the two pins intended for the Power Switch. Then you have no Reset pushbutton on the front, but the button labelled Reset has become your Power Button.
At first I was failing the screwdriver test but eventually found that it worked after I unplugged the cable conntecting my fans to the fan speed control from the motherboard, I think it is only meant to be connected to the power supply. So everything now turns on properly but...

I am now facing a new problem when I boot up my screen looks like this ( ) All orange and hard to read. After this it will either shut down or will go to a blue screen and say "Not Supported". I know it is supported as I was using the same graphics card and stuff before. I tried taking out the graphics card and putting it back in and taking out the two wires going into it and putting them back in but nothing has changed.

Thank you for your replies =)

Edit: Oh I am using an HDMI cable by the way