I was browsing the internet and switched to Skype when suddenly I got my first BSOD on Windows 10. From that point forward during boot I would get a BSOD, along with Windows trying to repair the issue. Every time it "repairs", another BSOD with a different stopcode. Including: SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED and KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED
I had this computer working flawlessly without any crashes for slightly over a month. Though I noticed that it feels slightly sluggish, even if it's a i9 9900k with 32 GB RAM.
I ran MemTest86 on one stick and gave me hundreds of errors within seconds. I got rid of the RAM and now I'm running the other stick and it received three errors so far (second pass). Seems like that RAM is "working" better than the other one, but I still keep getting the same issue with trying to launch into Windows. With that RAM seated (in different ports) I would get the SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION error constantly if the SSD was connected (which has original Windows 10 install)
Tried booting from "Windows Media Creation" multiple times, but I get the same BSOD error except at a lower resolution. I have downloaded the tool to two different USB sticks and tried different USB ports as well. I cannot format my SSD or get Windows installed at all.
What are the chances of the motherboard being faulty and having to be replaced? Or the CPU? Anything I could do to test if they're working as intended? It's going to take like a week to receive replacement RAM sticks. If the new RAM doesn't fix the issue, should I replace everything else? Get an exchange on the CPU, Mobo, or what would be the next logical step?
Would greatly appreciate some help or advice. Thanks for reading this wall of text.
I had this computer working flawlessly without any crashes for slightly over a month. Though I noticed that it feels slightly sluggish, even if it's a i9 9900k with 32 GB RAM.
I ran MemTest86 on one stick and gave me hundreds of errors within seconds. I got rid of the RAM and now I'm running the other stick and it received three errors so far (second pass). Seems like that RAM is "working" better than the other one, but I still keep getting the same issue with trying to launch into Windows. With that RAM seated (in different ports) I would get the SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION error constantly if the SSD was connected (which has original Windows 10 install)
Tried booting from "Windows Media Creation" multiple times, but I get the same BSOD error except at a lower resolution. I have downloaded the tool to two different USB sticks and tried different USB ports as well. I cannot format my SSD or get Windows installed at all.
What are the chances of the motherboard being faulty and having to be replaced? Or the CPU? Anything I could do to test if they're working as intended? It's going to take like a week to receive replacement RAM sticks. If the new RAM doesn't fix the issue, should I replace everything else? Get an exchange on the CPU, Mobo, or what would be the next logical step?
Would greatly appreciate some help or advice. Thanks for reading this wall of text.