Cannot reset password as User not listed under Net User in CMD

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Mar 8, 2018
Working on a Win 7 Computer for a friend who let someone she thought was an Outlook support agent on her computer to fix an email issue. After they initiated something in CMD, and showed her some sort of Trojan they said she was infected with, they demanded money. She shut off the PC at this point, but then rebooted to find herself locked out under a user listed as her last name "Jack." She said she's never used a login password before as it just used to boot to the desktop.

So, I have tried resetting the password using a Win 7 repair disk and command prompt, but when I use the "net user" command line after the c: I only get Administrator and Guest showing up. Yet when I go into the C: drive under Users, "Jack" is the only user dir listed besides Public, and when I go into the Jack dir, it lists my friend's folders.

I thought I'd try to see if the Administrator was enabled and I put in a cmd line to make sure it was, but when I reboot the computer hoping to see it, still all I get is one user login "Jack". There is no "switch user" option in the power down button section.

I'm a bit stumped how to get into this account that I can't even reset the password on. Does anyone have any ideas?