Question Cannot watch video on my second screen while gaming.


Jul 5, 2021
I cannot game and watch a video on my second monitor without the video stuttering and lowering quality. I game on max settings but I tried putting everything on low and still has that problem. It seems when the game is not in focus the video plays fine. I have the same issue with streaming over discord, the video lags for people im showing it to. I literally cannot do anything on my second monitor when I'm playing a game, happens to all games I play also.

no major program running,
reset the whole pc already

Windows 11 Pro
i9 13900K
32 GB ram
600 MBPSinternet speed
Have you tried using same refesh rate on 2nd monitor also have you tried disable hardware acceleration on google chrome. Mistaken removed my comment ug.
i tried the hardware acceleration thing on google already. but i just tried turning vsync on and seems to have fixed the problem. will update.
You could try 240hz and limit it to 144hz to see if that helps more!
Vsync may have been the fix. I toggle it on and off and immediately affects the video on my second monitor. Im trying to test discord stream now and its not detecting any screens anymore.🤔 even with vsync back off.I may have to restart.