I think you have a point there. The Chinese govt. is far stronger on how it handles it's population than the west. If what wall street did to the us which resulted in the bailout happened, those people would have been executed. But market forces will have ms windows demands for quite a long time. It wouldn't hurt the Linux market, but can effect the future of MS in China.
But by all means MS has used its monopoly strength to control the desktop market. Why the hell would anyone buy a POS MsDos computer from the 80s-90s with its severely substandard cli OS? Hell, it wasn't until 1995 that ms released their first consumer GUI OS. Year for 10 years, more advance computers have been in the market. Yeah, their failures is somewhat their own. But MS has done many things to screw over other companies. Period. They rarely actually make anything original that hasn't been bought since they purchased their CP/M clone OS stuck the MS sticker on it and sold it to IBM.
Er... Oh, you mean TIFKAM (metro), only Microsoft reps calls TIFKAM "modern" which is as tacky and unoriginal as the win8 development team. Metro works great on a phone, what they made for tablets is so-so. The lack of visual clues on its operation shows piss poor design.
Hell, Microsoft did such a crappy design of metro that it requires keyboard shortcuts to use it. Think I'm kidding? This comes from microsofts own PR... They sell keyboards with short cuts. That's not a good touch design. Yeah the win8 start screen is slick... It's also functionally stupid. There no back button, no home button, no status bar, you have to right click on somethings, but not other. Tasks are on bottom or on the side... Depending on what it is, the operation and usage is not well though out
Win8 is already a crappy desktop OS. So bad, many people who like it say "it's not so bad". And NO, I shouldn't need to spend $5 to fix a broken product... Even when it was $40. I and anyone else should not and DO NOT reward Microsoft when they sell crap.
I've not trashed win8 because it's different. I never have. If you could view a history of my posts from 12 months ago, I though metro would be great, it looked slick. Loved using metro on my phone. But after using it... It's crap, it's ugly, it's badly designed. And the sales numbers shows that. Worst than vista. They were warned. They could have resolved this with very little effort. The fact that they didn't and even worse, went out of their way to make win8 into the crap that it is, shows that the company is managed by complete morons.
And yes, win8 has made me start using Linux... Wow, it's different from windows. OMG... Wait... It has a desktop GUI that fracking works.
I use win7, android and iOS everyday. There isn't anything difficult about learning something new. But I choose to not use or buy shit.