Can't connect to Remote Computer of my University Help Needed!

The Good

Jun 24, 2016
So I am trying to connect to my university's Remote computer so I can use software they have on there. When I use the remote they told me to download (the .rdp file), I get this message:

Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is temporarily unavailable. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.

I have tried shutting my firewall off, it didn't work.
I also tried adding a DWORD into my registry as some people were suggesting. Nothing changed.

I am a bit lost and I really need this to work because I, unfortunately, have many things that I need to access through that remote connection.

Thanks for the help.

No. I will probably do that. For the moment I am able to run it on my desktop as well as my mac book pro so kind of have a solution but I would really like it to work on my main laptop.

Time to ask them I guess!