Can't decide on GPU for new build


Oct 1, 2015
Can't decide on GPU for my new build
So far my build is
Intel i54960k CPU
Asus z97 pro gamer
Gskill trident 16gb
Samsung pro ssd 256 gb
I will be gaming on the pc but not too intensely as well as normal office use and internet. My budget is 200-300$ thanks for the help
I picked up my EVGA 970 FTW gpu from Amazon via an AmazonWarehouse deal (open box). Works like a charm and was about 309$. I grabbed the FTW so I wouldn't feel the need to clock the card myself, and it was cheaper than buying a brand new 970. Something to think about =)

In comparison, it's still more expensive and over the 300$ cap. I mentioned my 970 because a FTW is more of a top end that I was able to get at 300$ (9$ isn't a deal breaker for me) but most r9s are still $350-400. The 970s are on that tipping point of being just over or just under $300 depending on the make and the seller (also new or openboxed).
Hi Silgni

200 or 300 dollars is too much if you want a video card for office and "light" gaming...

and what is your resolutions?? because the graphics card recommended by others is designed for 1440p and may be overkill for your need..

The video cards i recommend are:

- R7 250, great video card for 720p
- GTX 750ti, can run most games on medium to high, 1080p
- R7 260X, almost as strong GTX 750ti, recommended if you prefer AMD video card
- GTX 960, especially designed to run games optimally for 1080p:
- And the video cards mentioned by others, for 1440p

hope it helps,
Of course PC partpicker has better numbers than my google search... I was trying to stay away from that site for a bit, lol guess not. For that price then it would come down to branding, not just "nvidia could kick AMDs butt any day". For instance, I like my EVGA card and I don't have much faith in XFX. Sapphire, on the other hand, I do like so while I might not buy another xfx anything, the old sapphire cards I had were great... just loud.