some years ago i tried to forcefully install the english language pack on my win7 professional via the cmd (my default language is german)
i wanted to uninstall but when i open lpksetup > uninstall it's not shown on the list. only german is shown and i obviously can't delete that one
but when i try to re-install the english language pack or download it from update, it either gives me an error (in update) or says it's already installed.
where did the files get installed to and how can i uninstall them? i'd really like my windows 7 to be in english..
i wanted to uninstall but when i open lpksetup > uninstall it's not shown on the list. only german is shown and i obviously can't delete that one
but when i try to re-install the english language pack or download it from update, it either gives me an error (in update) or says it's already installed.
where did the files get installed to and how can i uninstall them? i'd really like my windows 7 to be in english..