Question cant do anything to external hdd

May 14, 2020
so i've got an external hdd. before i got my pc, i had a laptop with some games on it, so i tried moving all the games to the external hdd using macrium to clone the partition in my boot drive with only games to my external hdd. after its done, its literally gone, cant do anything to it. tried opening it in file explorer, it just loads the green bar and gets stuck at one point forever. tried chkdsk, commands wont run. tried going to the drive manager thing, cant load either.

i've looked it up on youtube and saw someone with the same problem, except they got lucky and chkdsk still ran. but i saw one command where they got the same problem as me, which is chkdsk wont do anything. i dont really care if i had to format the drive, as long as it is usable again, because i want to move games from my 500gb hdd to a 1tb one, but i dont have any extra sata cable or sata to usb 3.0 cable lying around.

anyone got a solution to this please?
How many clicks is it making? Is it always the same number? Whats the model# of the drive if you have it out of the enclosure. (some of the laptop sized drive do not use sata internally)

There are some that click only like 8 times and then give up trying to read the configuration section of the platters. Other drives just click repeated and that's how the name "Click of death" was born.