Can't download intel LAN driver - pls help


Aug 19, 2006
My Intel D975XBX motherboard comes with a built in Network Interface card. In the past, I've never had trouble downloading drivers, but tonight I am. I have no trouble going to the main downloads link at*+XP+Professional&lang=eng&strOSs=44&submit=Go!

It shows that 13.5 for Intel® Desktop Boards with the Intel® PRO Network Connections for Desktop was added on 12/23 and has a download link. However, it ultimately leads to a dead link, so I'm unable to download. This is a real drag as I need that driver urgently.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks so much.
The Intel site has been on/off -- try real late and see if that works. I downloaded it earlier and I'm still trying to figure out how to install it {Whilst on vacation here, I'm speed learning Vista 64x along with my new Vigor Gaming PC I got myself for xmas.} Since 13.5 doesn't install intelligently - I can't figure [the RAID drivers did though] out whther to install in the regular (x64) program files folder or the x86 program folder! Thank Earth Vigor gave me the latest DX48BT2 BIOS :kaola:

I just loaded 13.5 on my D drive and Intel's INF update utility took care of the rest - so now I'm running the latest driver...these later Intel drivers have more neat things (like testing) than I was given by Vigor (older drivers, etc.). What's the old saying? When you want a job done right...