Can't figure out major FPS drops with higher end pc?

Oct 31, 2018
I recently installed the new EVGA 2080 ti ftw3 ultra Gpu and although the overall FPS has raised Immensely, I've been getting Major Fps drops during games that are causing some annoying stuttering. The 2 games I see it on are BF5, and Cod Blo4 (blackout). I've spent 2 days now trying different things and researching problems to no avail.

Things Ive tried:
-Stripping drivers with DDU and reinstalling the rtx 2080 ti drivers
-Setting power performance to high
-Setting each individual game to high performance.
-Setting the slider in the Nvidia control panel to Performance
- Going in to task Manager and setting the priority for each game to High
-Reinstalling both games

Side Notes

I ve been gaming on 1440p, most of the time the Fps sits around 160-180 but out of nowhere frequently drops 40 to 50 causing the stuttering.

Also at least for BF5 ive seen my ram usage get up to 15gb

Gpu and Cpu temps never exceed 61 degrees

Nothing is Oc'd

-Full Specs:

-Mobo-B360 F Gaming
-Gpu- evga 2080 ti ftw3 ultra
-16gb Ram
-Psu- corsair rm750x
- Monitor- Acer Nitro 144hs IPS

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am fresh out of ideas.
What's your storage drive setup?

If you're using that much ram it's possible your stutters is memory and pagefile related.

Try manually set pagefile, first set minimum and maximum to 8GB. If that doesn't get any better try increase min/max to 24GB.
What's your storage drive setup?

If you're using that much ram it's possible your stutters is memory and pagefile related.

Try manually set pagefile, first set minimum and maximum to 8GB. If that doesn't get any better try increase min/max to 24GB.
So the paging file space on my HDD (where my games are stored) was set to none. From reading that link you sent there is supposed to be a number there. Does that mean my HDD is bad?
It's on self managed atm but why is it on the hdd? Did you move it?

When the auto manage is unchecked those fields will come available for you to enter custom amounts, amounts i said earlier. If you want to go back to auto default then recheck that option. It'll ask to restart PC.

But first if pagefile is on the hdd put it on the ssd.
When entering the custom size under initial, the tutorial showed that I am supposed to input the number shown in the drop for the partition, only there is no number is just says none. So i don't know what to put in the "initial" box.
Self managed pagefile on auto can vary in size and it changes upon usage. Could range between 5~16GB pagefile windows does itself, sometimes it can go higher.

It can help to limit pagefile's max size because it can get quite big in some games. 16GB ram should help with that though but might not be enough for your system and new games out now.
Just seen your 2nd last message after i posted.

Initial another word for minimum, so set that to 8gb
And then Maximum you know, set 8gb
The partition part is which drive the pagefile is on. None means there is no pagefile on that drive. If you go custom on the drive you want it on, you can then select system managed size (Windows will do the paging itself) or you can customise size.

The drive you don't want pagefile on, select no paging file.
Ok so my understanding from your comments and the tutorial is that a pagefile creates virtual memory to help distribute the load being put on the RAM sticks?

Now since the pagefile on my hdd (where the games are stored? Says none does that mean I have to move the games to the ssd and set the custom page file for that partition? Or are you saying I can establish a pagefile on the hdd using the custom settings?

Misread your comment here.

Your pagefile is on the ssd then, thought i read it was set to the hdd.

I wouldn't worry about changing it then, moving it the hdd will just slow things down more.

Just try setting initial and maximum amounts and see how you go.

Yea, if the os feels theres not enough ram it'll start using the pagefile. Sometimes windows can be wrong and will use more pagefile then it needs to.

For the 2nd part, pagefile should always be on the fastest drive.
Ok I'll do the page file tonight and install the game on my ssd and get back to you tommorow as the install will take a bit. I don't want to keep you up but I appreciate the help. It's been driving me nuts for the past couple days.
Welp since you're probably still awake I set the page file 10gb and both games are running silky smooth! You are a scholar and a Genius!

I'm getting a solid 170-180 fps in 1440p with minimal drops. Also did a stress test on Timespy and was getting consistent fps there too.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions and troubleshooting!
Of course. I set both Initial and max to 10gb.

Both games are still on hdd. I might still try and install one of them on the ssd because I do notice stuttering when first loading in to a match. But the stuttering during gameplay has pretty much disappeared along with the crazy fps drops.
Very good. Sounds like windows managing the pagefile it got too big. 10GB is telling windows thats enough. Could even try lowering if you ever decide to muck around with settings some more.

Yeah, do try games, especially those with large open areas on your ssd, will be impressed.