Question Can't figure out my RAM issue ?

Sep 19, 2022
Okay, before i write the problem bear in mind when it comes to everything pc related aka building stuff i have 0 knowledge.

I had 2x8GB RAM DDR4 3000mhz by corsair. I took another 2X8GB from my friend, the only difference between mine and his is that his version is 4.32, mine is 5.32 which idk if it makes a difference.

At first i inserted his RAM into slots 1-2, and mine into 3-4 and tried turning the pc on. It turns on yet no DP signal no matter how many times I replug it. I removed his ram and then everything worked. Then im like okay, shows me an errow that i need to put my ram into slots 2 and 4. Did that, added his in the remaining ones. And now I either have an option to boot into bios or just run my pc on default settings, which takes me into automatic repair, which takes me to either reset my pc, shut it down and stuff
And idk where to go from there 🙁 i am like a total noob. Idk what id have to change in bios since i never touch it.

The motherboard is msi z370.
windows probably just doesn't like all the restarts.
I think the ram side is fine, since its a Intel board.
you want default settings for now

is this windows 10?

On another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB - its a handy boot drive.

Once we get windows working , you probably want to go back into BIOS and turn on XMP and see if that works.