Cant Find Power Switch Pins on Motherboard

From your PM:

Subject: +5V dc

To: COLGeek

From: deathtonarwhals

Sent on: January 16, 2019 5:13 AM
hi you just left me an answer on my post about the power pins, thanks! i would have never have found that myself.
I followed the instructions, but there was no +5V dc in the same cable budle. Is this a problem? does it come with the psu or somthing? thanks in advance

Please list all of the make/models of your system components? What exactly are you trying to connect that you are unsure about?
Question from deathtonarwhals : "New PC not turning on"

Hi im fairly new to building computers, so i brought a psu (A-750BR) a case ( GMXCSCENTAURIBLKGRY) and a motherboard ( its an intel 1155, i can find its full name if needed) and ive put in the motherboard, the cpu the hard drives and the front pannel things ( there was no +5V DC one) and it just doesnt make any noise or any sign that i have plugged in power, it just doesnt turn on 🙁
The front panel connectors (from the case) are in pairs. There is usually a POWER LED pair, a RESET switch pair, a POWER switch pair, and often a SPEAKER pair.

They will connect to the corresponding pins on the motherboard. Have you identified and connected the pairs to the correct pins on the motherboard header?