Question Cant fomat pre built pc

Jun 29, 2019
Ok so i really hope somebody can help me with this. I bought a pre built pc a few days ago. This is a "demo" pc so i go it cheap, pretty much meant the pc was returned and not picked up again so they sold it very cheap. Now the first thing i did when i got it was check for issues, used windows diagnostics to check my ram and used a few other tests on other hardware and it all seems like it works perfectly. So im pretty sure this is mostly software related but here are specs anyway:
Windows 10
Gtx 1080ti
I7 8700k
Asus rog b350
250gb ssd
So i noticed games crashing or not even starting, chrome randomly crashing, even the event wiever cant start sometimes. These are just a few of the issues but anyway i decided to format the pc. I tried formatting through windows settings which only resulted in crashes/blue schreens. My windows was up to date but i still tried downloading the may 2019 update which also resulted in blue schreens. I then got my bootable usb with windows 10 only to recieve another blue schreen. The usb drive works as i just formated the drive from the new pc in an old computer, however now the computer will only boot to blue schreens :/ how do i escape this blue hell? Any help is greatly appritiated
Error messages:
When booting from usb (or when automatic repair launches): 0xc0000021A.
When just trying to boot:
Jun 29, 2019
To clarify, as i could not format the ssd on my new computer i took the ssd into my old computer and did the format there, then moved the ssd back into my new computer. I know my way around the bios and when trying to load the os from the ssd i get the innacceible_boot device error. And i get the 0xc0000021a error when trying the bootable usb.
Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. Windows loads drivers and other files that are particular to components the system drive is residing in. Unless both the computers are identical, the system drive wil likely not boot and even if it does, you will experience numerous errors. There is simply no way around having to load the system drive in the computer it will be used in. What is the make and model of the ssd and how have you configured the bios in the new to you PC. Go back as i said before and make sure the Windows 10 install USB is booting correctly. BTW, there is no way anyof this can be done in the Windows environment.