Can't get bluetooth dongle to work on Windows 10

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Feb 27, 2016
Hi, I bought a bluetooth dongle and a pair of bluetooth headphones, but cannot get the dongle to work. I am using Windows 10. There is no option in settings to turn on Bluetooth, as illustrated in 'how to' articles online, so I don't know where to start. The driver is installed and no troubleshoot problems. Please help! Thanks!

Personally I have had a couple of round of problems with Windows 10/Bluetooth problems....

Did not work, "magically worked" for awhile, stopped and started. I believe MS to be the culprit.

In any case, what Bluetooth dongle and what Bluetooth headphones do you have (makes and models)?

If possible, verify that the Bluetooth headphones work in some other Bluetooth environment.

Double check the drivers, installation, and configuration of the existing Bluetooth adapter.

Key is to narrow down the cause.
Hi so sorry I never got a notification that you replied so just saw it now...thanks for that, the headphones definitely work and I downloaded the drivers and checked in 'devices' that there were no issues with the dongle. The headphones are JBL On-ear Wireless Headphones Black E45BT and this is the dongle If MS is the problem, it could have something to do with the fact that my current version of windows turned out to be a trial and now needs registering??
Do you see any signs of pairing and then connecting? Any informational windows or error messages?

Not aware of BT being disabled if Windows is unregistered per se. What trial version do you have?

And you could register the software just to negate the possibilities.

There are no signs of pairing or connecting, or informational windows - I don't know how to 'connect' the dongle and PC or 'turn on' bluetooth on my PC. When I go into bluetooth in control panel, there is no toggle to switch bluetooth on and off, like there are pictures of in instructional articles online.

When I look up what version on Windows I have it says:
Windows 10 Pro Version 1803 (OS Build 17134-285)
Copyright 2018 (but it was installed in 2017, so that's weird).
This product is licensed under the Microsoft Software License Terms to: (my PC name)
I asked the guy who installed it and he said it was a pirated version! He said it was safe and he uses these all the time. I should have just stuck with my genuine old Windows 7, but I love Windows 10 so much.


"I asked the guy who installed it and he said it was a pirated version! He said it was safe and he uses these all the time. I should have just stuck with my genuine old Windows 7, but I love Windows 10 so much."

Did you pay for a legitimate version of Windows 10? Did he build the entire PC? What else might he have skimped on?

Would not be too surprised that $7.51 USB BT adapter does not work. Even more so if that link is where the BT adapter was purchased.

Here is a link to Orico's website:

Scroll to the bottom and on the left is Driver Download. See if you can find the applicable driver for your computer plus some installation instructions.

That all said, please be aware that it is against Forum rules to help with pirating or pirated software, circumventing passwords and other security policies.

I believe that I have used all the leeway available with respect to the above.

So no further assistance can be provided. Take your PC back to him and have him fix the problem(s). And install a legitimate copy of Windows 10.

If he can not or will not then go elsewhere. You need to find a honest PC installer for your computer services and support.

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