Can't install Win7 on raid 0


Nov 3, 2015
Hi, I have come here because I am ready to murder something...

I have two ssds that I wish to install Win7 on in raid 0.
The problem I am encountering is that when I have to select the driver, I only can see 86x drivers which won't work on 64x (surprisingly)

I have used the cd and usb. Downloaded drivers from AMD and Asus but to no avail.

I know how to set up raid in the bios, but reading other forums on this matter has she'd no light to my problem. Can somebody please help me?

I have:
Amd fx-4170 cpu
Asus crosshair v formula mobs
2x Samsung 850 evo (250gb)
1x Samsung 840 evo (250gb) with a old Win7 install.

I believe I have given the most important info, but if I missed anything, let me know.

I would love to do a direct install onto the 850's, but at this point I will settle for a workaround that isn't elegant. Just as long as I can get a raid0 Win7 install.
You have to find the correct driver that will work with your board. It may not even be the latest revision that you can use. That controller is a real pain from what I have read. The driver may not be signed which you will lookup on how to get those installed.