Cant Overvolt GTX 560M


May 10, 2012
I use MSI Afterburner. I used enable unofficial overclocking and enable voltage control/monitoring. But, Afterburner won't let me change or see my voltage. Is my voltage locked? If so, how do I unlock it in Nibitor? (regular BIOS doesn't help)

i dont care what nibitor is, no bios change will enable voltage changing. flat out cant do it. also you say heat is not a problem but how do you know heat will not be a problem if you havent changed the voltage and overclocked higher?

if you want a lot faster laptop the best solution is to buy a faster laptop. there is not a whole lot you can do.

Like I said, if you are not being constructive, no need to post at all.

there is not going to be a constructive answer because what you are trying to do is not possible. there is a reason you had to ask this question on here and its because the problem does not have a solution you like anywhere so you asked it here. Im sorry that you dont like the answer or if you think im being mean but the answer is still you cant do it.
He is right there is not a way to do this unless you want to find the resister on the video cards that control voltage and solder a POT into it so you can change the voltage by hand. You WILL have bad things happen if you go this route these cards are just barely in their thermal limits most of the time anyway.


and to prove you both wrong, I was almost successful in unlocking the voltage through Nibitor but I can't keep the settings because it has problems with 64 bit OS's.

i almost hit the lottery once but i didnt. too bad though i was only one number off.

I hit the silicon lottery once! 😉