cant re-install win 10

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Aaron Givon

Aug 8, 2015
i recently upgraded to windows 10 using the media creation tool, i also saved a copy of windows 10 using the same tool to a USB. I had some major issues with sound card compatibility so i was forced to do a clean install. I booted my PC up from the USB that i saved win 10 on and did what i normally do to perform a clean install with win 7 (something i do almost every 6 months) which is to delete the partition and create a new one. However when i went to create a new partition i received an error (i cant remember the error code but i couldn't create a new partition) and i was left with an unusable PC. At this point i was forced to roll back to win 7 using my win 7 CD-rom and created a new partition perfectly and installed everything like normal. I since found out the sound issue was to do with an intel driver that was missing when i did my win 10 upgrade and not actually win 10 itself . Once learning this i tried to re-upgrade win 10 using the same media creation tool, however i cant get past the activation screen as there is no 'skip' button , i understand the new activation where mircosoft store a copy of my hardware specs on file, and that hardware hasn't changed so i don't know what is the problem.
You should not upgrade the Windows 7 installation to Windows 10 if you've already upgraded from it previously, and did not roll back but rather clean installed. Use the USB drive that you created to clean-install Windows 10 on your PC. This will enable a skip button.
You should not upgrade the Windows 7 installation to Windows 10 if you've already upgraded from it previously, and did not roll back but rather clean installed. Use the USB drive that you created to clean-install Windows 10 on your PC. This will enable a skip button.
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