[SOLVED] Can't seem to Change Public IP

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Oct 1, 2020
Hello! I'm coming to Toms Hardware seeking assistance.
To make a long story short, I was IP banned from a game because my account was compromised and someone decided to cheat their way to the top on my behalf (lamest excuse in the book but honestly that's what happened). I want to access the site on an alternate account, but I'm afraid I'll automatically be banned if I sign in because my public IP address does not change.

I considered using A VPN before I join, but the problem with that is that they automatically ban you for 30 day's as a "security alert" if you use a VPN.

I tried restarting my router (unplugging, waiting 5 minutes, plugging it back in) but we have a business line that only allows you to call the ISP if you want your IP reset. From what I heard after speaking to them on the phone, the only IP they can change is the network IP, not the IP on my computer/specific device.

Is there a way I can change the IP that appears on whatismyip .com? Like I said before, the only way I found I can change it is with VPN but they automatically flag you as a security alert if you use one, so I'm not sure what to do... 🙃

Thanks for your help!
Have you actually tried turning off the modem and router at least overnight as see if it will change. Sometimes it will and other times it won't.

A company that IP bans is a fool they will just lose customers that way. What would have happened if it was done from a ISP that does not give public ip to the end consumer. If you were to use a cell phone hotspot method you would likely get a different IP every time you connected.

Maybe use a VPN that they don't know is a vpn service. You can get your own vpn server at a hosting service. It is a small linux virutal machine that you can load vpn software one. Some places load the software for you. This is more done for someone trying to watch netflix from outside the country...
Hello! I'm coming to Toms Hardware seeking assistance.
To make a long story short, I was IP banned from a game because my account was compromised and someone decided to cheat their way to the top on my behalf (lamest excuse in the book but honestly that's what happened). I want to access the site on an alternate account, but I'm afraid I'll automatically be banned if I sign in because my public IP address does not change.

I considered using A VPN before I join, but the problem with that is that they automatically ban you for 30 day's as a "security alert" if you use a VPN.

I tried restarting my router (unplugging, waiting 5 minutes, plugging it back in) but we have a business line that only allows you to call the ISP if you want your IP reset. From what I heard after speaking to them on the phone, the only IP they can change is the network IP, not the IP on my computer/specific device.

Is there a way I can change the IP that appears on whatismyip .com? Like I said before, the only way I found I can change it is with VPN but they automatically flag you as a security alert if you use one, so I'm not sure what to do... 🙃

Thanks for your help!
You can't change that.
Your public IP address is given to you by your ISP.

Even the old "trick" of powering off your router for 10 minutes (or 10 days) doesn't work.
Not too sure you can do something if your ISP does not let you change your IP address and you can't use a VPN.

Changing your ISP would do the job.

Apart from that no idea :)
it seems strange that Spectrum wouldn't have a way to change your public IP. I can try calling them again and getting a new support agent to speak with. I should just request for them to reset my public IP address, correct?
Have you actually tried turning off the modem and router at least overnight as see if it will change. Sometimes it will and other times it won't.

A company that IP bans is a fool they will just lose customers that way. What would have happened if it was done from a ISP that does not give public ip to the end consumer. If you were to use a cell phone hotspot method you would likely get a different IP every time you connected.

Maybe use a VPN that they don't know is a vpn service. You can get your own vpn server at a hosting service. It is a small linux virutal machine that you can load vpn software one. Some places load the software for you. This is more done for someone trying to watch netflix from outside the country. These services would not likely cost much more than a normal vpn service. The key thing that is different in the charging is that many have bandwidth caps which should not matter for a game.
A company that IP bans is a fool they will just lose customers that way.
Actually, there are at least a couple of categories of "customers" where an IP ban works.

Spammers - Ban their IP, and they'll just move on to some of the other billion websites. They won't bother with trying to work around a ban.
You don't want those "customers" anyway. See ya goodbye.

Bad actor gamers - Ban their IP, and their recourse would be a VPN. Which would affect their precious gameplay, and/or cost money.
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