Can't the planes fly lower?

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Jul 17, 2007
What with the volcano in Iceland disrupting European flights, I was wondering if the planes could fly lower perhaps at 5000ft or lower to avoid the dust? If there's any probs they could then be closer to the ground and there's lots of airfields about.

Good luck to the rest of the world because the Eurozone economy will be knakcered if this continues.

Not only more airspace but fuel economy is a huge factor.
Yes, lower down, means thicker air which equals more air resistance which means more fuel used. Also, they would have to suspend small aircraft as different aircraft used different ceilings I believe.
Lets see, the ground is covered in ash, so obviousy there is ash for 0 to 10000. You would have to go over, but there are limits to how high a plane can fly, Ice being a main one.

In this day and age, all zeplins are using Helium, not Hydrogen. IIRC, there hasn't been any zeplin crashes since the 1960s.
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