Can't we all get along?

It is our very human nature to hate everyone except ourselves.

I ain't gotta explain it either!

Iran is in a deep hole right now; bombing Israel would be automatic suicide to the nation itself.
As if the Jews havnt had enough hatred going against them.
A minority thats been more abused by a wider base of humanity in modern times than any, and yet, toleration of those that hate is abundant
I can't see Israel waiting much longer because it is clear if Iran does manufacture enough weapons grade material they would deploy a bomb if they could.

I think that if Israel chose to strike it will not be a convential attack.

Their capability is massive even if you take the most moderate of guesses in terms of what is in their arsenal.

None of the other Arab nations would retaliate against Israel if they nuked Iran either ... that scenario is just fluff.

There would be an ominous silence ... Why? Never again.

The hard core right wing party members are powerful and well supported.

I personally find this stuff terrifying to read ...

Iran has the capability to do a lot of damage to Israel. But Israel knows they have a lot of support, especially from the US. They almost seem to want a conflict, because they know they've got enough backup to crush Iran.
Too bad I do not understand all the posts on this subject;
I think i agree with aford.
But if someone can explain me "glassed the dome of the rock tho" and some other things... i'll be glad

The dome of the rock is an Arab temple built on top of the site of King Solomon's temple. Each side considers it sacred. The muslims believe that's where mohamed ascended into heaven. For the Christians, King Solomon's temple needs to be rebuilt.
okay, now i understand.

Yes, I can see why no nation would want to nuke Israel. the Holy City is there, home to the three top Abrahamic religion: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Pretty much the whole world would be up in arms,( meaning being angry), and the picture would not look too good for our future.
Oh "La coupole du Rocher" ! ok.
I didn't know that was "dome oh the rock" in your language.

I do not think Israel can afford to bomb Iran.
It would take too many risks: Iran's response on the one hand, and conflict with allies of Iran and the Arab world on the other.
I do not think the majority of the Israeli population would agree with such an operation, it should only concern the extremists.
I think that Iran is trying to goad Israel into attacking them so they can use it as an excuse for martyrdom and rally the rest of the muslim world against Israel. I do not think Israel would make a pre-emptive strike against Iran if they did get nuclear weapons, that would only make things worse. But I would not put it past Iran to launch a few rockets or toss a few mortars across the border...

Big picture, I think the Muslim Brotherhood is intentionally gaining political control of the Middle Eat countries and slowly building towards a Caliphate. If a Caliphate were to unite the muslim countries, then Israel is surely doomed. If a Caliphate were to unite the muslim countries, the rest of the world would need to beware.
That's a good question. I think the Caliphate would look to China and Russia to legitimize themselves as a sovereign political body and help the Caliphate gain recognition on the world stage.

Providing the Caliphate does not state any intentions with extending Islamic influence into Russia and China. I think China and Russia would sanction the Caliphate taking control of Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, and India stopping at the Chinese/Russian borders.
I'm just guessing that Putin and the Russian people, as a whole, would not put up with an Islamic (i.e.; Sharia Law) take over of their country. Let's face it, if a Caliphate were to come into power and united the Muslim countries of Asia Minor, it would create an entirely new political dynamic, not only in the region, but also the world.

I don't know if it would be a reversal as much as the "Soviet Empire" is long gone and the communist political paradigm is outdated, I have no evidence to back it up, but I would think that a modern Russia would have to deal with a Caliphate from a completely new political perspective.

Russis and China purged between 37 and 67 Million of their own people during the early years of their formation ... do you really think either want some kind of Muslim Caliphate on their doorsteps?

Sharia law is incompatible with both of their ideologies as much is it is incompatible with the Western Democracies.

There needs to be obvious seperation between religion and state ...
The original intent of separation of church and state, was to stop the church's from having so much influence and legal power, as they did back in the day. It wasn't about removing any mention of religion from anything having to do with the government.

Both Russia and China are atheistic, and if one thing Ive learned, they simply wont tolerate much religious activity whatsoever, and will brutally kill any Muslim attackers and/or those with a takeover mentality, utterly destroy them, all of them, and take out any other political enemies as well, making claims of colusion, otherwide known as their same old tactics.

Basically, the Fathers did not want a Theocracy, not another church of England and HRC Church power fight. Too many lives were at stake and corruption was awry. Not good for a young republic.
I totally agree that if a Muslim Caliphate were formed and if they imposed themselves on Russia and China, both countries would open a can of whoop-a$s and make mince meat out of them.

But I can't help but wonder that if a Caliphate were to take control of the Muslim nations in the Middle East and Northern Africa, that Russia and China would find a common enemy in Europe and America and be complicit when the Caliphate began nation building.

So, let me get thsi straight:

Islam is becoming a political stroinghold in the Middle East and Northern Africa.
Islam *may* initiate a Caliphate that sets a single party system across the whole of Asia Minor.
China and Russia will be pushed and shoves, pocked and prodded by the Caliphate to do their bidding...( like take out the infidel western nations)
China and Russia are not idiots...especially Putin, and they will create in increased diplomatic resistance.
China and/or Russia may in turn retaliate if Asia Minor decides to act upon that resistance; I cannot say if there would be another 9/11 on Russia, China, or anywhere else, but it may be possible...but i would not sweat it.

Conspiracy theory? Yes. Will it happen...well...
I find atheist the least tolerant of peoples, its as if grace didnt exist within them.
This is something the Muslims will understand, and is why Israel is hated so much to this day, as they are all too familiar with it, even if diguised in the past