Capital Punishment Debate

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Well, theoretically anyway - I doubt anybody here has experienced both and lived to post about it 😀.

IMO, since capital punishment usually takes a number of years before sentence is carried out (with all the appeals, etc), living under the threat of impending final doom is far worse than being bored for the remainder of your life. If it didn't cause panic & terror to most criminals, I'd think they'd forego their appeals and just get it over with. Instead, almost all of them fight the death sentence every step of the way.

Personally I'd like to see the electric chair make a comeback, like the one in the movie The Green Mile (??). And all the death row inmates forced to watch the coming attraction.

Well, since white people are the minority, let's start with them.
I guess those of you who read the rest of the thread know my position... But I did want to point out that making distinctions about minorities based on skin "color" is really dumb. We all have the same pigment in our skin (eumelanin). Some of us have more, and thus darker skin, while others have less, producing lighter skin. It comes from an extremely minor variation in DNA.

It's not just being bored, it's being bored in a tiny concrete room with zero interaction with anyone (except perhaps the guy who passes food under the door for you 😀) for the rest of your life. It's enough to drive you to madness, but I suppose if you are insane then you will no longer feel the full effects of solitary confinement.

Screw that, shoot them at the scene of the crime.

I have heard it from biologists and geneticists and read it in their books. (I haven't done that level of research myself. 😀 ) If you know a biologist, ask him. If he's honest, he'll tell you that melanin does cause the pigment in skin, and that the DNA difference between the various so-called "races" is on the order of 1%. Or you could just Google it...
Anyway, I am most certainly not making it up.

Actually, I assumed you're a hermaphrodite, and that way I'm always half-right! 😀

Besides, Random told me that you're an old guy who hangs out in the Old Men's club, and of course I believe everything she tells me! 😗

And then charge the family 10 cents for the cost of the bullet, like they do in China :).

Seeing as how death row is not particularly harsh in most US prisons (TV, exercise yard, library books, although I believe most of the death row inmates are kept separate from each other and the general population), it's a tolerable existence - better than the fear of non-existence.

Take the case of one of the DC snipers - John Muhammad - who is scheduled for execution next month for the shooting death of one of his Virginia victims 7 years ago (October 2002). He has filed appeal after appeal, and is petitioning the Democratic governor Tim Kaine for clemency at the same time as his appeal to the Supreme Court. This is the guy who fired his court-appointed attorneys during the trial, insisting on acting as his own attorney, and the grounds for appeal? Incompetent representation! I.e., himself!

Of course he and his then-juvenile partner Lee Malvo shot & killed 9 others in Maryland and Virginia before they were finally caught, and I believe there were a couple of victims in Texas before they took their sniper show on the road to DC. Malvo got life imprisonment due to being just 17 at the time, and he's happy as a clam. Muhammad was 40 and got an appt. with the hereafter, so he's fighting tooth & nail to avoid the final curtain drop on his sorry act.
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