Carbide Series 500R Mid-Tower Case - Corsair


Dec 3, 2014
I just inherited a PC with a Carbide Series 500R Mid-Tower Case and I can't seem to get it powered on! I see lights and I know the power cable is connected however I can't seem to get the thing to power on. Is there a button sequence for this type of case? Anyone have this problem? We have two of these pcs and I wouldn't think that these two would both have power issues!?

Any thoughts from the corsair pros?

Frustrated. hahah
Standard power switch.

Unplug the power supply from everything. Google/Youtube the paperclip test. (Short pin 16, usually green, to ground) If the power supply turns on, you know that works.

Then you can start investigating the actual power switch (All it does is short pin 16 to ground). Make sure the front panel header is hooked up properly.

After that take the computer itself apart. Remove all expansion cards and memory, unplug the drives. Leave the CPU installed and try turning it on. If it doesn't turn on, it indicates a bad motherboard or CPU.

If you have success there, start plugging in each part one at a time and firing it up. If it stops working you have your problem.