Carmack Confirms Doom 4, Apologizes for Rage PC

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Dear John,

no need to apologize for rage. I think it is a great game. Indeed the ending was not that great, but not bad either.
[citation][nom]thganon[/nom]Dear John,no need to apologize for rage. I think it is a great game. Indeed the ending was not that great, but not bad either.[/citation]

What made it great? Shallow and forgettable characters? Bad vehicle combat? Weak and badly done weapons? One of the worst antagonist in gaming history? Generic enemies?
The way I see it, id Software used to be amazing. They broke new technological ground with every new game they made.

These days, gaming tech can't be pushed much further, so the mediocre gameplay and lack of maturity becomes glaringly obvious.

I wonder if it's just me getting old? If I were a teenager today, would I still be excited by playing post-apocalypse/space marine shooting games?
[citation][nom]menigmand[/nom]These days, gaming tech can't be pushed much further, so the mediocre gameplay and lack of maturity becomes glaringly obvious.[/citation]

"These days, gaming tech can't be pushed much further due to the five years old console hardware that keep the game evolution stagnant in the past, so the mediocre gameplay and lack of maturity becomes glaringly obvious."

There - Fixed it!
... rage waz a nice tech demo... what they should do with it? Make a mod kit and let it lose... the racing mods, that could come out.... and the game waz small, so there is room for many things and places...
id was a company i looked up to in my younger days as the company that stayed true to the PC. Unfortunately with Carmacks views and how he thinks about virtual and consoles in general has made me almost nostalgic especially the mobile side. Anything he says these days is just in one ear out the other. Rage was a big disappointment, and no i haven't tried it yet, i keep missing those awesome steam sales although gamestop has the game for $10 i might just get it to try it out. If Doom 4 ever comes out, i just hope it uses the latest DX 11/12 tech available pushing hardware, as we all know Doom 3 was a big deal when it first came out. Time will tell. I'm not running to the store to reserve it, this is definitely a wait and see title. I have no faith in id anymore. enough said.
IMO, Rage was a poorly executed game, and the way they handled their own failures (blaming drivers and such instead of their own mistakes) made it only worse. His excuse was that he used a "beta driver adapted for the game" ; the Windows-certified drivers weren't good enough?
I always make sure I have the latest drivers installed before blaming anyone else for glitches, but this was a bit too much. A serious developer can not ask users to switch from certified, stable releases to a beta, potentially unstable driver just to play a game.
And, guess what? People that did that did not report any major improvement in rendering, either. Carmack never admitted that it was a bug-ridden release, but TBH the only "beta" here was the game itself.
I used to respect him a lot back in the Quake days; not anymore.
I will be very happy when the new Xbox and Playstation are released. The current consoles have hardware so old that it is massively holding PC gaming back as no game studios release content for PC only. As soon as the consoles are released, PC gaming will take a major graphical leap forward. While graphics are not everything, they are an important part of game immersion.
We're DOOMED! He's been in the business long enough to know that you don't just pull people off a just-finished product. Rage looks like a good game... A bit of a cross between the two.
Can he please just admit that the megatexture tech is a dog and never bother with it again?

In theory it was an excellent idea, but in reality it was a 24 gigabyte incredibly low res mess. Games less than a third of the size and 3 times the length routinely look and run better.
Doom 4 will be good, I just wish there was a new Quake based around the story of the first game. Strogg is cool and all but the original Cthulu-like mythos was so awesome. Plus you cannot deny that the grenade bouncing noise in Quake I is the coolest sound effect ever.
Not buying ANYTHING else Carmack produces after the debacle that was Rage.... ! He can go eat a D*ck! Lost all faith in this guy!
@pragmatic_view: Well the megatexture tech is really a frontrunner to what he wants to push next, which is voxel based rendering. The ability to stream in textures is perfectly suited for voxels, which is basically streaming in polygons. As of the moment, it was a bit unnecessary to do this, and none of the levels in Rage look special compared to current games. But he had already developed it and figured it was worth a shot in real-time with a new game I guess.
Hey John, how about a game that has some co-op play. Where you and 5 other squad members kick down the gates of Hell and march through the 9 circles of Hell. There should be at least 6 maps per circle and a boss like Killing floor's Patriarch at the end of each circle. Only after you've killed an end boss can you and your squad advance to a lower circle of hell. Also have achievements and upgrades for advancing. Once a circle is completed you need not go though that circle again unless you want to.
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