Case Air flow


Aug 8, 2013
My CPU oveheats from the poor air flow in my case. One problem I have is the fan on the back doesnt blow anything out from a dead zone. The cpu cooler I have (thermatake spin Q) sucks air in from the front and back and blows it out the sides.

Here is a diagram:

1 fan on back
1 top exhaust
1 side
I will be adding 2 in the front

Any idea how to fix this dead zone caused by cpu cooler?



Then an intake fan in the front should generate enough flow to alleviate that.

It looks like an old traditional case design which was not designed for any high performance cooling, but just a mainstream cooling capability, the greatest disadvantage is the GPU dumping it's heat inside the case adding to the problem.

Would you supply more information as to the size of the fans that are in the case, I'm guessing they're 80mm cooling fans?

Do you have any case modifying skills at all, or are you stuck with the case as it is?

Additionally that CPU cooler was not the best idea Thermaltake ever had, I'm pretty sure it has been discontinued, and a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO will best it any day, (Ryan slaps himself in the face!), but this is about case air flow, so back on target. :)


Well good luck to you, anytime you need to vent, you can PM me if you want, been there done that, and what's said in a PM stays in a PM, you have my word on that! Ryan



Aug 8, 2013
Yes, I have case modding abilities, the top exhaust wasn't originally there.

There is room below the GPU on the back for a 120mm fan (all fans on case are this).

On front there is a mounting point for 2 more, but there is no vent on front for intake (who designs this stuff??) So I am going to cut a vent and add some expanded metal to cover it.

Also there is room for another 120mm fan below the back case fan that I can add on, only problem is, I might need a fan controller, becuase I am just wiring them into the 4 pin molex in either 7v or 12v If I want to add anymore.



Add a single one in front, and see what happens. That may be enough.

You added your own top blowhole, That's fantastic!

I had an old super mid tower that had no front holes for ventilation at all, I laid out a hole pattern on the front very uniform and drilled ventilation holes into the face frame to allow air to enter, it turned out looking very nice that's just an idea to throw at ya.

You can always add an additional side fan as input to increase the airflow.



Aug 8, 2013

The case is similar to this one:

Below the handle there is a fake vent, so I cut the fake slits into real ones with a side grinder and cut a hole in the top of the case. Now Ill have to do the same for the front later

Air slots would look good on that lower front!, but you'd have to be extremely careful in the process one slip with a side grinder and it's ruined.