Question Case fans' blades not spinning?


Jun 22, 2016
So I have a Enermax starryfort SF30 case and while it hasn't been a huge issue I noticed the case fans are not spinning. The rgb on them is working and even the middle of the fan seems to be spinning just not the blades. All connections are good, I've built about 5 gaming PCs and never had this issue. Any idea on how to get them to work? Thanks.
So I have a Enermax starryfort SF30 case and while it hasn't been a huge issue I noticed the case fans are not spinning. The rgb on them is working and even the middle of the fan seems to be spinning just not the blades. All connections are good, I've built about 5 gaming PCs and never had this issue. Any idea on how to get them to work? Thanks.
I sounds like the hub of the fan somehow got disconnected from the blades of the fan.
I'm thinking you may be able to connect them back together somehow....or just buy new fans.
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Yeah I'll have to open it up and troubleshoot tonight. I noticed it last night but didnt have much time to look. I just built it and didnt really stress test it until i was playing witcher 3 last night.
There's nothing holding the blades except the motor housing. So if the blades are now loose, and the hub is spinning seperate, they'll literally fall off. So not sure exactly how a hub can spin without the blades unless they are somehow stuck to the fan frame. If the fan itself is frozen on the bearings, it's possible for the motor to spin, but the fan itself won't. Requires replacement of the fan either way.

ARGB/RGB is a seperate package to the fan, a second wire, and are totally seperate from the actual fan itself. Only the older single color LED type fans are single wire controlled and powered by the fan itself.