Case Suggestions for an Asus Rampage V EATX Build, Please


Jun 6, 2015
Well, as the title says, I'm looking for a suitable case for an Asus Rampage V EATX X99 Build.

I was going to attempt to use the old Antec 1200 v1 case I have until I realised it won't have USB 3 capability, so I could really use some suggestions, Please, preferably not Mega expensive, and I've never done Water cooled so not really looking to go down that route, unless it's fairly idiot proof .
Noise is an issue, I would like to keep this as quiet as possible.

All suggestions will be gratefully received, thanks for looking.

Thanks for the reply......... Yeah, that 900D is nice, but £300 is a little out of my budget range at the moment, the 750D looks a good size, but doesn't seem to have much in the way of serious cooling, and the fact that the front fans are covered is a bit disconcerting, although that's probably just me being fussy.

Do you know if I could use the 1200 case at all ?, also, do you have any experience with those processor only water cooling systems ?, as I thought that might help with the noise issue a little, plus also not being too difficult to install.

Again, thank you for your time

I can't find the 1200 v1...but I did see the 1200 v3 (guessing just the updated version) from Antec and it does not take EATX that would not work.

The whole point of the covering is to provide not only the look but the dust filter is in it. Look at the pictures and the third picture I think shows the front opened. You can see the small dust filter...but I would definitely recommend possibly adding more dust filters to it if you have a dust issue in your home.

So, the case does allow plenty of cooling. Not having side cooling is the only possible issue you would have...but I don't see much issue with that...maybe the temps will be 2 - 3 C higher...maybe. But that also limits a place for dust to enter the case.

I did not see you mention the processor...but I do have experience with larger cases (I am using a Thor V2 and it fits the ASUS Rampage IV Black Edition I have in my build just fine). I would actually switch over to a Corsair 900D or if possible a Lian Li case that has the wheels (can't think of the model number right now) but the Lian Li case is hard to come by and get various Lian Li attachments for so that won't likely happen. I am also waiting to just make a new build and give this system to my wife to use.

I use air cooling...a red version of for my CPU cooler and it works just as well as liquid cooling...without the possibility of leaks. It fits in my case just fine and cleared my RAM well enough. I do not like how the RAM modules sit under it, so I would have to remove the CPU fan to add more RAM...but I tolerate it since that won't be happening anyway.

I do not have a noise issue with my setup and my temps are very good.

Not sure if I answered your questions there or not completely. By the way, I got my Thor v2 for just at or under $100 on sale. It is a really good case for that price...most EATX cases with the same features are 2-3 times that price I paid. Typically it is a bit more expensive, when not on sale, but still a good price. I don't really care for it so much anymore because it is really hard to get dust filters for and I live in a dusty I need to clean it every few months.

I also had to replace one of the stock fans because it started making noise and I could not fix it after a little over a year had passed. I decided to just replace that fan with a fancy Noctua one that is awesome for sure.