Cat 3.10 are here


Sep 15, 2003

Fixed in this driver:
Intermittent detection of DDC monitors no longer fails when connected to a RADEON™ 9100 IGP
Connecting a CRT and FPD to an ATI RADEON™ 9600 series under Windows XP no longer results in the driver failing to keep the CRT and FPD enabled once the system is rebooted
Setting the desktop resolution to 1280x1024 and connecting a TV as a secondary device with panning mode enabled no longer results in the system failing to respond when moving the mouse pointer around the desktop
An error message indicating that the DVD can only be played back at 480p or 480i on component output is no longer displayed when stopping the ATI DVD player for 3 to 5 seconds
Starting the TV in desktop mode, followed by enabling the Hide Controls and the Hide Controls and Frame no longer results in the TV not being restored properly when exiting 10ft mode
Setting the colour depth to 16bpp under Windows 2000 and having the system enter the 3D screen saver no longer results in a memory leak
Setting the AGP speed to off no longer results in the AGP speed still being shown as enabled to 4x in the SMARTGART tab
Connecting a TV as the primary device followed by enabling clone mode and setting the desktop resolution to 1280x1024 no longer results in the Overlay Theater Mode not updating when moving the mouse to pan the display
Clicking the default button found in the ATI 3D tab now updates the maximum resolution for SMOOTHVISION after applying a custom profile setting
Setting the secondary CRT display to 1024x768 32bpp with extended desktop enabled no longer results in not being able to swap between the primary and secondary displays
Connecting an HDTV and setting the display to 640x480 32bpp 30Hz followed by attempting to change the display to 800x600 32bpp 30Hz no longer results in an error message being displayed
The Optimal Performance Direct 3D setting is now correct for an ATI RADEON™ 7000 series with 32Mb of memory
The display driver version is now displayed in the the option page found in the display properties
Display corruption is no longer seen when setting the 3D screen saver to initialize after one minute of idle time
Toggling between expansion and non-expansion mode no longer produces overlay and display corruption
Hot plugging a DVI monitor no longer results in the display resolution changing to 800x600 for both the DVI and the LCD
Setting the CRT to 1024x768 or both the CRT and LCD to 1920x1200 no longer results in the display resolution reverting back to 800x600
Connecting a TV and enable clone mode, followed by setting the desktop to 1280x1024 and enabling Overlay Theater Mode no longer results in the system rebooting when doing multiple device switching between the CRT and the TV
Enabling extended desktop no longer results in the display not being visible when hot-unplugging the DVI while a 3D screen saver is active
Setting the desktop resolution to 1024x768 32bpp followed by connecting a CRT no longer results in the LCD panel automatically being assigned as changed to the secondary display adapter
The Compatibility Settings tab now reflects the correct settings whenever a 3D profile is applied
The video image is no longer overscanned when enabling component out
Display corruption is no longer seen when choosing fullscreen video and 16:9 (widescreen) under Theater mode settings
The Philips capture driver now installs successfully under Windows 2000
Texture corruption is no longer seen when playing EA Sports' Madden 2004
Enabling Sharpen, Emboss, Contrast, and Etch in the OpenGL 3D tab followed by playing Quake 3 or Serious Sam 2 no longer results in the OpenGL SMARTSHADER effect not working correctly
Setting the display resolution to 1024x768 32bpp followed by playing Blade of Darkness with the game set to 1027x768 16bpp, and texture resolution set to max, no longer results in a flickering horizontal line of display corruption
Playing the game Battle Field 1942 under Windows XP results in the Haze effect appearing incorrectly
Playing the game Call of Duty no longer results in the operating system failing to respond
Setting the game Flight Simulator 2004 to display at 1024x768 or 1280x1024 followed by starting a new flight no longer results in the menu being flipped just before the new flight is about to begin
Choppy gameplay is no longer noticed with attempting to play the game Homworld 2
The game Jedi Knight-Jedi Academy no longer fails to respond when enabling Anti-Aliasing to 4x or 6x
Setting the texture preference bar to any setting lower than High Quality in the game Formula 1 2002 no longer results in the 2D game menu being displayed when maximizing the replay screen
Poor game performance is no longer noticed when playing the game Lord of the Realms 3 under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ 9200 series installed
Display corruption is no longer noticed when playing the demo game 4x4 Evolution under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ 9600 series installed
Display corruption is no longer noticed when playing the game Indiana Jones at its default mode of 640x480 32bpp
Playing the game Morrowind with Truform enabled no longer results in the game failing to respond
Configuring the game Halo Combat Evolved (demo) to 1024x768 followed by selecting a normal campaign no longer results in the operating system failing to respond

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
My frame rate have droped with this cat release. Anyone else tried these?

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
Going from the Omega's to these, my 3DMark03 score went up by a hundred points(big woop :tongue: ) I'm getting 4,452 or something(unpublished)
My framerates in UT2K3 are noticably higher.

<b>I help because you suck.</b>
Well I'm sure I just have something configured wrong. I have not run a demo yet but in morrowind its pretty much un-playable. I have tried most of the cats 3.2 up and never taken a performance hit like this.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
I did not see that temperature thingy in this release. or does that just work with the XT version I'm using 9700pro.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
What card? Is it overclocked?

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
Haven't tried the new ones with my 9500Pro yet. I'm still confused about the name of the new driver, 3.10. Is that somehow different than 3.1 or 3.100??? I guess the marketing people at ATI failed math in grade school.
It's a 9700pro, I had rage3dtweak but uninstalled it a while ago. Morrowind and anyother game I had worked fine without overclocking so I got rid of it. I bought a new mother board a couple of weeks ago and used the cat3.2 that came with my card and morrowind ran fine.

I figured I'd wait for the cat 3.10 before changing the drivers. Anyway 3.10 is installed now and it's not very playable. I tried the usual stuff vsync off etc etc. but this game just runs brutal balanced mode, quality etc etc. Just so you know I reinstalled rage3dtweak overclocked the card and its still brutal in morrowind.

I just tried Pirates of the caribean made by the same company using directx8 like morrowind and it runs beautiful.

I noticed this driver realse fixed a bug in morrowind in this release so maybe that has somthing to do with it.

Grape you use morrowind and you musta tried these drivers by now. If so any morrowind problems?

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
Just so ya know I am using that virtual CD progamm so I don't have load different cd's all the time (works off the harddrive and shuld make things faster) anyway morrowind worked fine with this using 3.2 and pirates of the carebean works just fine using vertual CD and the new cats.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
I'll try disabling trueform since thats the bug they fixed in the new cats and update.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
Nope still brutal. I give up and I gotta go to work. I'll try again tomorrow.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
I don't have any software installed on my machine to measure frame rates in individual games. Like I said it's un-playable at least by my standards. If I had to guess at it I'd say 20 - 30 fps adverage. I'm not really sure what the fps is but it is considerably worse than it was. This make me say brutal because it's much worse.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.
Grape you use morrowind and you musta tried these drivers by now. If so any morrowind problems?
I just downloaded the when I got in from work. I haven't had a chance to play with them. I'l let you know what I think tomorrow (sorry soonest I'll be able to get on Morrowind).

P.S., yes the temp. monitoring will only work on the XTs (and maybe TYAN cards) other cards don't have the thermal sensor.

ALSO, to enable truform with Morrwind, you have to run <A HREF="" target="_new">the FPS optimizer</A>. That may of changed, but that's what I do. BTW check the Screencaptures to see the difference. Thanks again to Phial (IIRC) for making me aware of this site.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:

<b>-NEW PIC IN THGC ALBUM-</b><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by TheGreatGrapeApe on 12/17/03 09:58 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I downloaded it from the website, but when I go to install it, 90% of the text is "?"'s... I don't want to go clicking things I dont know what I'm clicking on, so, any solutions?

Anxiously awaiting it here yet?
Nope...not a's Cat 3.<i>ten</i> not 3.<i>one zero</i>. So you're reading it like a decimal when its not meant to be.

<b>It is always brave to say what everyone thinks. </b> <i>Georges Duhamel</i>

Thanks for the tip on the fps optimizer, I'll try it when I get home.

Let me know if you are have similar problems in Morrowind. That would save me a lot of grief trying to fix this if it's just the driver.


If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.'s Cat 3.ten not zero.
3.1 (one) is no different than 3.10 (one, zero).
You can tack on as many zeros as you want but numerically its the same- unless your using something like Roman numerals (which they aren't).

When you reach 1, that place value goes to 0 and 1 is added to the next place value.
That is the base 10 number system.

ATI apparantly doesnt follow what the rest of the world does!

What hes saying is 3.10 is 3.<i>one tenth</i>. While the last driver was 3.9 (a higher number).
If 3.10 is 3.ten, then 3.9 is what? 3.ninety? Thats an odd change in the naming scheme!
The next logical step would be 4.0

Also, from their previous driver naming you would assume that soon would be the cat 4.0 release (at least thats what everyone has alluded to being close to being a reality), so maybe the next one will be 3.11 instead? :smile:

This release (and a 3.11 release) would numerically be a downgrade from the old 3.2 drivers!

I just tell it like it is and some can't handle it. If your experience is different, well congratu-fukulation.
You're right, these were out 10 months ago... <A HREF="" target="_new">check it for yourselves!</A>

I just tell it like it is and some can't handle it. If your experience is different, well congratu-fukulation.
okay, i realise ur bak to being a nVidiot but that doesn't mean u have to suck up to the nvidia lord all the time. you know i'm higher ranked than u.

3.10 is not the same as 3.1, it depends how u look at it. Ever done Gr 9 math? "round the number to the nearest 10th, 100th"
3.10642380938 --> 3.1
3.1063234234 --> 3.10

but then that's not the point. oh wait
"." this thingy have more then one meaning!!!
3.10 is version number, not a math term
if ur saying version number = math term
how would u explain Windows

RIP Block Heater....HELLO P4~~~~~
120% nVidia Fanboy
FX5700Ultra, the next Ti4200? seems so
3.10 is not the same as 3.1, it depends how u look at it. Ever done Gr 9 math? "round the number to the nearest 10th, 100th"
3.10642380938 --> 3.1
3.1063234234 --> 3.10

You are rounding to the tenth place and the 100th place... but the way you rounded the number is still the same number.
:smile: 3.10=3.1, it might have an extra zero. But they are the same number rounded that way.

And say ATI did round to the hundreth place now, Cat 3.1046589 and representing it as 3.10 but it is still a lower version than 3.2

but then that's not the point. oh wait
"." this thingy have more then one meaning!!!
3.10 is version number, not a math term
if ur saying version number = math term
how would u explain Windows
Right. There is no way to explain it, they wouldnt be using standard numbering practice in that example.
Tho I bet that they would follow how people usually use common mathmatical practices, such as increasing the next place value once the value on a given place value reached 1. Even tho are using something with multiple decimals.

Everyone is eagerly awaiting cat 4.0 right?
Well we went from 3.9 to 3.10, logically to go from 3.10 to 3.11 then 3.12 ect. unless the next one is going to be 3.20 and how silly is this starting to look?
I understand what they are trying to do is represenative, not mathematically correct.
But its silly.

What I tried to explain is, they go one way for about 10 driver updates (cat 3.0-3.9), following base10, and general common sense, then go their own route with 3.10.

okay, i realise ur bak to being a nVidiot but that doesn't mean u have to suck up to the nvidia lord all the time. you know i'm higher ranked than u.
I dunno man! I've been in some heated exchanges with the leading ATI promoters on here, some I've lost, some I've won..I've earned myself some rank in the hallowed halls of NV.

I probably have 40 virgins waiting for me upon death. Have you sacrificed for NV?
Right now CS, I think you have 2 drunk hobos waiting for you.
Keep working. :wink:

I just tell it like it is and some can't handle it. If your experience is different, well congratu-fukulation.
Bet you the Catalyst releases in 2004 will be 4.0, 4.01, 4.02, etc... to give a little more leeway.

Regardless, the 3.10's should have been named 3.95 to reduce confusion.

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 322/322)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>2600+</b></font color=red> <i>(o/c 2400+ w/143Mhz fsb)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b></font color=red>
I understand what they are trying to do is represenative, not mathematically correct.
Version numbers aren't supposed to be "mathematically correct." They follow a scheme of major_v.minor_v.patch_v.build_v. You cannot argue the mathematical correctness of something that isn't intended to be represented mathematically.

<b>Qui habet aures audiendi audiat</b>
I know, I just wanted to make the point. I think some arent even getting it.
Like I said, it would make more sense if not to be represented (or confused)mathematically.. to not use numbers.
It looks silly to alot of people when the representation conflicts drastically with usual mathematical process.

I just tell it like it is and some can't handle it. If your experience is different, well congratu-fukulation.