CBS Report On 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse

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Jul 17, 2010
Yet another video describing bombs in the World Trade Center suppressed by NIST

CBS Report On 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse 141010top2
Image: Beverly & Pack

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, October 15, 2010

Yet another 9/11 video that NIST tried to block from being released has emerged discussing bombs in the World Trade Center that led to the collapse of the twin towers, indicating once more that the organization attempted to preside over a cover-up to hide evidence of secondary explosives.

Every single video that we have been able to study following a lawsuit brought by the International Center for 9/11 Studies, which forced the National Institute of Standards and Technology to release 3 terabytes of material, has contained either direct or eyewitness evidence of controlled demolition, suggesting that NIST’s refusal to release the footage after a FOIA request was a deliberate ploy to try and keep the material out of the public arena.

On Wednesday we reported on how footage of WTC 7’s collapse had been edited to try and hide evidence of controlled demolition.

The new clip features CBS 2 reporter Marcia Kramer discussing a CNN report about secondary explosions inside the ground level areas of the south tower which caused the building to collapse.

“CNN is now reporting that there was a third explosion at the World Trade Center, probably an explosion from the ground that caused World Trade Center 1 to collapse on top of itself,” states reporter Marcia Kramer in the clip.

Kramer refers to WTC 1 but is in fact talking about the south tower, which was the first to collapse. The live footage on the clip shows the smoking north tower still standing.

“Again there was a third explosion, it is unclear what caused it, whether it was a bomb or whether the first plane that crashed into the tower had somehow been booby trapped with a bomb that was timed to explode later after the crash had occurred. But CNN is reporting that there was a third explosion that caused World Trade Center 1 to collapse within itself,” she adds.

Watch the clip.


The video dovetails with another clip that NIST attempted to sit on, in which 9/11 firefighters describe secondary explosions in the lobby area of the tower that caused the building to collapse.


As we highlighted last week, numerous eyewitnesses, including WTC janitor William Rodriguez, supervisor Anthony Saltalamacchia, and ABM janitorial services employee Kenneth Johannemann, all described explosions in the basement area of the towers before and after they were hit by planes.

15-year WTC worker Marlene Cruz and numerous other WTC basement workers, including Felipe David and Salvatore Giambanco, have all gone public since the attacks to talk about secondary explosions in the lower levels of the towers.

The 9/11 Commission completely ignored the hundreds of survivors, professionals, first responders, firefighters and police who reported numerous secondary explosions at all levels of the twin towers.


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The official story dictates that the collapse of both towers began at the impact point where the planes hit the buildings. Evidence of ground level explosions that contributed to the collapse of the towers would not corroborate with the government’s insistence that the attack was solely the work of 19 hijackers acting on behalf of Osama bin Laden, which is presumably why NIST fought tooth and nail to prevent this and other videos from being released.

RELATED: Video: 9/11 Firefighters Reveal Huge Explosions Before Towers Collapsed

RELATED: New 9/11 Footage Reveals WTC 7 Explosions

RELATED: Did NIST Edit WTC 7 Footage To Hide Evidence Of Implosion?


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.
Its truly sad when people distrust their own government more than those whove killed millions of innocence, ala Saddam
Or any other of the hundreds of other bombings, again, killing whoevers in the blast vicinity
Or cuts the head off of reporters
I could go on, but the point is moot
Case fans are watching everything we do. They are out to get us. Will anyone be able to deal with the evil case fans and save us from this hardware conspiracy? If not...well, I'm going to..well. I'm going to...


Any thoughts about the conspiracy theory behind this?

Their own government?

No government is the government of the people, it is the government of the politicians. If you guys trust your government why do you have the right to bear arms?

I don't think it is to defend the borders.

Also pot calling the kettle black on all but the head off reporters and even then I reckon there are plenty in the states who would do that at the drop of a hat. Didn't some census taker get killed earlier this year or last?
The government that made up a fairy tail about weapons of mass distraction in Iraq?
The government that hides what is going on in Afghanistan to cast a romantic cover of how heroically US soldiers fight for the freedom of Afghanistan when many soldiers don't give a damn about lives of Afghanistan people (true reality of pretty much any war)?

Hardly trustworthy.

By the way, do you know that the most effective soldiers are psychos because they have the easiest time shooting other people?

I won't necessarily believe that it was a planned demolition by US government without really hard evidence. Still, considering how much the US government kills people, I wouldn't be surprised if the government related organizations such as CIA wouldn't hesitate doing something like that.
In the end, if an American-led invasion ousts Mr. Hussein, and especially if an attack is launched without convincing proof that Iraq is still harboring forbidden arms, history may judge that the stronger case was the one that needed no inspectors to confirm: that Saddam Hussein, in his 23 years in power, plunged this country into a bloodbath of medieval proportions, and exported some of that terror to his neighbors.

Im thinking people (soldiers) are pyschos etc until its their brother, father, or good friend, then it changes, or someone they know gets killed uselessly by some poor oppressed non pyscho
If the US was there to take the oil, they would've done it by now. They are there to try and root out the terrorists that were a threat to us, and everyone else.

Our troops are putting their lives in danger, to try and stabilize a long time war torn area. They couldn't keep their own affairs in order, and the US was hit. Now, we're cleaning up the mess.

The crap you just spewed is a slap in the face to all who died on 9/11, and while fighting overseas.
They are there to try and root out the terrorists that were a threat to us, and everyone else.

Please don't say you actually believe that drivel, iraq was a politically motivated war, not security. People who died on 11/9 have nothing more to do with iraq or even afghanistan than any other terrorist act.
I'm not privy to what happens in the oval office, or the Pentagon.

There was intel that Iraq had weapons. They certainly had the resources, and the hostility to do it. They had already tried to assassinate President H.W. Bush. They were firing on enforcement planes in the no-fly zone. They kept denying UN inspectors access. It was fishy, and the US government tried to get the UN to do something about it. They didn't, so the US did.

Saddam was a cruel dictator. I'm sure the oppressed people are happy he's gone. They seemed pretty happy when they yanked that statue down.

The oil comment is absurd and laughable.
If Bush had known about the absence of weapons of mass destruction, Rove questions whether the United States would have gone to war, according to an excerpt quoted by the New York Times. “Would the Iraq War have occurred without W.M.D., I doubt it,” Rove writes

Yep, you cant trust these guys, since the previous president also thought they had them, and some day, they may still show up
By denying the UN inspectors a chance to freely check everything out, they easily could've been moving weapons around from place to place. They could still be over there somewhere.

If evidence shows up that Pakistan is assisting these cave dwelling terrorist cowards, then I have no doubt that they will also be confronted. It's in Pakistan's best interests, to be transparent, and help crack down on these groups.

As a once famous presidential runner said "wheres the beef?"
I say wheres the oil?
Show those proofs
Show were (US) getting all this oil, wheres the conspiracy, and how were hiding that fact?
Stop first, say nothing more, and show me and all of us, wheres the oil?
Certain fraction of pak's army continiously helps hardliners.Us is preety much aware of this.But they are just turning a blind eye towards it and waiting for next 9/11 to take place.
Ill ask you once more, as here in the US, you have to prove motive for a crime
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