CBS Report On 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse

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I know what you meant aford but it was not what I was on about, those are small fry in the list of people in recent history who have and still do commit atrocities.

The communist comment is almost laughable as I do not think there has been a communist country, plenty of dictatorships but I do not think communism is meant to be a dictatorship do you?

I honestly can't believe how small minded people are to believe that governments do things for any reason other than personal and political gain. Saddam hussein as well as many others "could" do with removing but the reasons for doing so are NEVER, EVER the right ones. Never.
What gets me most is, since all nations were against Iraq during the gulf war
And since none raised their hands, saying, youd better not do this later on, and voted for all the UN resolutions, which Iraq failed to keep, and even used force against them, then whos governments should be questioned here?

Or, is this why others distrust their own governments? Bush and Rove admitted the weight of Weapons of mass destruction was too heavy, and bungled in knowledge as well
They owned up to it

Now, we see others whod wait and let it go, as I point to past disasters where that had occured, to millions of deaths
Maybe we should all just believe that no one will harm us, all we need is talk, trust them, and itll all just go away
But first, we must trest them more than we do ourselves
Tell that to the million or so Saddam had killed, or rather, their loved ones
Tell that to those who still remember Hitler and Stalin
Tell that to the Iranians who at least now live in peace with their neighbor
Tell that to all the peoples surmounted against Saddam when he invaded Kuwait, and all the Kuwaities
You could say that about a lot of people, like say that to the native americans who were slaughtered and had peace deal after peace deal broken. Doing things legally has never been an "american" way, only making up rules to suit.

What would you do if you could travel back in time jaydee, agree not to go near the american continent? That would be the correct thing to do, but would you?
No government is the government of the people, it is the government of the politicians.

LOL. You fail. And in the worst sense of the word.

If you guys trust your government why do you have the right to bear arms?

LOL. Meaningless babble.

I don't think it is to defend the borders.

LOL. To defend personal property. America was not founded by a bunch of cry babys. Americans took it by force. American History 101. Which you obviously never sat in on.

Also pot calling the kettle black on all but the head off reporters and even then I reckon there are plenty in the states who would do that at the drop of a hat.

Whatever phlosophy background you have, the premise is not very philosophical.

Didn't some census taker get killed earlier this year or last?

Census taker? I say old chap, I do believe a vessel in your head has burst.

That truely was terrible. I'm 1/8 Native American. But at the same time, that was a long time ago, and there's nothing our government can do to change the past. To this day, those of Native American descent get special assistance that others don't. It doesn't make it right, but it's an admittance that what happened was wrong, and they regret it.

That can't be held over the heads of our current government, and their decisions. Most countries back then were guilty of conquering other civilizations, not just ours. Google the Spanish Conquistadors, and see some of their handy work.

A dictatorship of the proletariat😀
Yes, a strong hold, yet weird at that, does the hollowood/hippy effect has had on people.
Especially the media, or hollowoodheights, if you will

While I trust our government, theres certain hollowood/progressive/socialistic/lying and degenerative factions I deplore

Was going to save this for the other thread

You mean the fake Taliban funded by and Al CIaeda the real Taliban rise to power in 2000 and burned most of the opium fields production went form 3,000+ to 186 tons a 94% reduction. So do you think were in afgh now?

There's nothing fake about the Taliban.

Is that a serious question??
Yes, there are currently troops in Afghanistan.
So something in the past is o.k as that was "someone else". What about now though, what about the support of the fourth reich, a.k.a israel who have acheived with u.s support far more than hitler ever could. What about that?

How can you justify your stance on that and still go on about caring for oppressed people?
I really don't like this kind of discussions but as asked,I'll participate.
I'll only talk about Iran and not anywhere else.
30 years ago when that nasty revolution happened in Iran,98% of people voted for a new government and after a week or two,almost all of them were regretful of what they had done,because the new government which was called "Islamic republic of Iran" made everything worse, they killed hundreds of people as soon as they arrived;furthermore, they took the freedom from people.Then they said that countries like USA,England,Israel etc are all their enemies and should be removed from history.
They even burned the flags of those countries in the streets.
On the other hand,they shipped many guns and bombs to the terrorist in Iraq and Afghanistan and actually helped Al-Qaeda;moreover,they began to build Nuclear missiles and didn't listen to threats;therefore,other countries boycotted Iran, and people suffered a lot from them but the governments insisted that all the boycotts are useless.
And recently,people voted for 2 people in elections but Ahmadi-Nejad was again selected.Many people protested in the streets but the chief of police department mentioned that they'll "CRUSH" all resistance and they did.They killed as many people they could in which rated Iran as the first country in terms of people execution. They sent many people to jail and did horrifying things to them in the prison(Such as raping,hitting, and also killing).
And now,when Ahmadi-Nejad went to USA,A reporter asked him about the freedom in Iran and he simply said(or lets say lied)
"Iran is the most democratic country in the universe,people can freely say anything they want about the country."
Our government lies very easily,they kill any people who are against them, they've blocked many Internet sites(including facebook,twitter,BBC, etc.),they've taken freedom from people(You can't actually wear anything you like in Iran), and they simply.
They train many terrorists and send them to other countries,along with making nuclear bomb.
So you can't just imagine how life looks like in Iran.But the thing that hurts me(or lets say all innocent Iranian people) is that some people call us(all of us) terrorists which is far from true.I can't really blame them much though,because they hear terrible things from almost all "Musilm" countries.
In the end, Iranian people made a mistake 30 years ago by voting and now they suffering from the consequences.I think if countries like USA want to,they can destroy this governments pretty easily because currently no one in Iran can do anything about our government.Iranians are pretty much living in a prison rather than a country.
And from the looks of it, it seems this government will rule for a lot more years.
I find it interesting that dipankar thought the US was a terrorist governemt for invading Iraq, but now we should invade Iran...??

Thanks for chiming in :)
I feel for your situation! Obviously, I have no say in what the military does. However, I think there would be some serious uproar if the military invaded Iran without cause.
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