Personally I am a political atheist. Both Republicants and Dumbocrats aren't worth the suits they wear but at least the Republicants have made an attempt to mitigate the financial bleeding and bring some fiscal discipline back to our bloated, wasteful, federal governmental.
870+ days since a federal budget has been passed.
For the first two years of a Dumbocrat controlled House, Senate, and Executive branch, the Socialists failed to propose a budget let alone pass a budget. But in less than six months, a Republicant controlled House has put forward at least 3 budgets.
Glad to hear Cut, Cap, and Balance is moving to the Senate. Now Barack and the Dumbocrat controlled Senate can take the fall for their continued demagoguery and political scare tactics.
If anyone thinks that Bush is still to blame for the deficit and the Democrats have the American citizens best interest in mind, they are complete morons.