CES 2010: AMD and Eyefinity6

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What yet-to-be-released 5000 series cards? The only "higher" card left would be the 5990. It would be weird if a yet-to-be-released lower card, e.g., 5650, supported Eyefinity6 while an already-released higher model (like 5870) didn't.
Well, I'm paying about $200 after taxes/enviromental fees whenever I buy a Samsung 2343.
Sure, its bezel isn't as this, but hey, it's thin enough.

First off, my 3 monitor setup is going to be 9/16 x3 (all in portrait mode).
I should be getting my 5770 this week.
Now just give us EyeInfinity over Crossfire already! ($100 for a adaptor? WTF! I'm also told it has quality comparable to VGA, which I refuse to use at any resolution beyond 1280x1024.)
What ever happened to the supposed bezel free monitors Samsung?
Do you really think having half the bezel makes these monitors worth $633/517 (triple/sexa setup) each? Better be some damned nice SPVA's then...
Ok, this is really beginning to bug me.. I have 3 24inch lcds, and I will pick up 3 more (maybe), and the monitors I have already have display port on them...

SO, the "BIG" question is, where are the 6 display port 5000 series cards? maybe in 2019......... We have seen the pictures of them, yet none in the retail channels...
"Eyefinity from AMD allows three monitors to run on one 5000 series Radeon card."

Monitors run on videocards? 😉
Um. I don't get this. Isn't this starting to be excessive? Honestly. I mean a couple years ago I had 4 moniters but then I realized when you get bigger monitors you have more desktop real estate and hence you really could use LESS moniters. So now I'm back down to 2. I mean for certain business applications sure maybe 4-6 moniters but from a usability perspective your going to have a difficult time viewing all six moniters at the same time.

I mean if you back away then you wouldn't see the detail of each indiviual pixel either. And this is not just AMD that does this either NVIDIA and matrox are doing this as well. Why do we need more then 3? Couldn't we just got two cards for this? Yes the PC bandwidth could be excessive but geez this is alot of desktop real estate....
if they say yet to be released 5000 series. it probably means a re-release of the whole series with the upgraded eyefinity6 capability
[citation][nom]Bolbi[/nom]What yet-to-be-released 5000 series cards? The only "higher" card left would be the 5990. It would be weird if a yet-to-be-released lower card, e.g., 5650, supported Eyefinity6 while an already-released higher model (like 5870) didn't.[/citation]

a 5990 sounds plausible. if my math is correct, devin's implying that the card in the pictured setup will cost $700.
Speaking of Eyefinity, I haven't seen any mention of native 3/6 panel LCDs. Also, the bezel is still too thick (but FAR better than standard bezel)despite "ultra thin". What I would consider "ultra thin" would be one with 1-2mm thick bezel.
I don't understand why they couldn't put the transistors that are currently in the bezel rotated 90 degrees and just make the monitor thicker. I don't care about how 'thin' screen the monitor is, just that the bezel width is something that needs to be very very very thin if you are going to use them in eyefinity.
[citation][nom]Bolbi[/nom]What yet-to-be-released 5000 series cards? The only "higher" card left would be the 5990. It would be weird if a yet-to-be-released lower card, e.g., 5650, supported Eyefinity6 while an already-released higher model (like 5870) didn't.[/citation]

The yet to be released 5000 series with six "display ports" out, instead of the DVI/HDMI ports
So much misinformation...

The Eyefinity6 will be a 5870. It's official name is "ATI Radeon HD 5870 Eyefinity6 Edition". It's not vaporware, it's going to be released. Samsung's partnership with ATI/AMD on this and their release of a 6 monitor config should confirm that. They're keeping a tight lid on it's release date, but February seems to be the word.

No, as it stands you will not be able to run multiple versions of this card to setup 12x18x24 monitor solutions. The demos you see on youtube were done with alot of creative engineering.

No, you cannot get around using Displayport by crossfiring cards. In a 3 monitor configuration you must have 1 Displayport (native or through active adapter). In a 6 monitor setup you'd need 4 Displayport.

One Big Monitor argument: That's great if you like pixels the size of legos. The whole point behind Eyefinity is to create a single large resolution. It treats all of the screens as a single display with ultra-high resolution. The configuration shown here is running at 5760x2160. I'd love to see someone pull that off on a single 60" CES LCD.
[citation][nom]IzzyCraft[/nom]Ultra thin bezel my ass to me i still rather get 1 large monitor then 6 pasted together[/citation]

Don't we all? Show me where you can get 1 large monitor size of that eyefinity setup with 5760x2160 resolution. If there even exists one it will cost a lot more than six smaller ones. Perhaps you are just jealous because nvidia doesn't have technology like this.
[citation][nom]logitic[/nom]Monitor companies really need to start research on borderless monitors![/citation]
Or how about pictureless monitors without borders?
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