Changed MotherBoard bought new ssd can i transfer Windows?!?


Jun 23, 2015
I upgraded my CPU Mb and ram.. also bought an SSD!
I have windows 10 that was installed on my Hard Drive and deactivated my account before selling the MB and linked it to my Account!
I bought OEM Windows 10 USB from BestBuy a year ago.
I finished building my pc and then turned it on, it booted to the USB and installed Windows. But I did not disconnect the hard drive and it is probably the reason why when it stated that it did not have drivers for the ethernet or anything. I couldn't connect to the internet at all! I went to the bios and I don't know how but made the hard drive boot only, which had basically my old computer but Windows not activated.

I need help to see if it is possible to make a fresh installation of windows on the new SSD because I changed my motherboard. If I successfully install Windows 10 will I have to delete everything on my old Hard drive to be able to use it? If so how? IT will be helpful if someone lists the steps i have to do....! Thank You, Everyone!

I would try to get it Activated with the existing hardware, and then do the install on the SSD.

Right now, if you install on the SSD, you don't know if it will still activate with the hardware, AND with a new install on the SSD.
One thing at a time.

I would try to get it Activated with the existing hardware, and then do the install on the SSD.

Right now, if you install on the SSD, you don't know if it will still activate with the hardware, AND with a new install on the SSD.
One thing at a time.