Changez my cpu and my computer wont start

May 6, 2014
i just installed a athlon 754 pin in my computer , changed the paste and it didnt start .... fan went on , lights went on but nothing happened on the screen . BUT i did replace my old one with new paste and it works like before .... i did retry again with that athlon and it doesnt work ... i plugged my semphon back ( the original 754 pink cpu i had) and it work as usual... any ideas please Thanks Guillaume St-Pierre
Erm... not much info given on what your Motherboard is, what exactly the CPUs are etc. You have to make sure the MotherBoard supports the new CPU. Maybe a BIOS update is needed?

But what you could try is to clear CMOS. There should be a jumper on your MotherBoard for clearing CMOS. Check the user manual that came with the MotherBoard or check online if you don't have a paper copy of it.
The PC wont post as the motherboard doesn't recognize the cpu a bios update probably required or you can try what mouldread suggested clearing the cmos(to clear the cmos remove the cmos battery on your motherboard and put it back in again) then moving the motherboard jumper pin to the opposite 2 pins for 10 seconds then switching them back the jumper pin will look something like this:

If that doesn't fix your problem then that means your new CPU is compatible with your motherboard you need to make sure about these things and your motherboard name would be nice so we can see what CPU's are compatible with your motherboard.