cheap cpu and motherboard for 200 fps in csgo


Nov 24, 2016
Hey guys, first of all i would like to mention that there is a diffrence between 70 fps and 200 fps in csgo. i know its sounds weird and i agree because in any other game i have played there is really no diffrence, but csgo is diffrent, and when the game is on 200 fps it feels much more smoother then 70 fps, u can check videos on it or just check it ur self on your computer. *And i also just bought 144hz monitor so i want to have about 170 fps average..

I bought 960 GTX and Seasonic 430W S12 for my laptop (using adapter) and it increase the performance dramaticly from 60 fps to 120 fps.. but its not enoguh.. on maps like Nuke i have about 80 fps and i dont like it..

Im searching for a motherboard and cpu to buy, its really important for it to be cheap as possible..
i thought about Z77 and i5 2400.. found these on eBay in about 80 - 100 $..
but im not a big master at these so i would like to listen to ur advices, please recommend for me a cheap mother board and cpu for playing csgo..

Thanks a lot!

btw im on lowest graphics setting and 1024x768 resolution
What cpu and ram you have right now? Maybe the cpu upgrade will not be able to give you the fps you want

I d go with a more modern platform. Intel Pentium G4560 + H110M mothermoard. It will cost you somehting like 100$

what im usign now is laptop with i7 3520m.. i want to buy a desktop computer.. i already have 960gtx and 430W psu
i need a cpu and motherboard.. about the RAM and ssd i will handle alone..

ok then. Try the combination i mentioned above. I m positive you ll get the desired fps for the resolution you want


i search on the cpu on internet and i saw a picture of "Pentium" and i was like oh no this is like a cpu from 10 years ago but then i saw its a 2017 cpu :O, and its dual core with only 3mb cache but somehow manage to get 250 fps in csgo

thanks u very much!!

i would like to listen to more advices because im living in israel and its very hard to find specific hardware in second hand.. altough i managed to find the motherboard in 50$


that cpu and motherboard will not work together without a bios update . you'll require a 6th gen cpu to do that . the g4560 is a 7th gen kaby lake cpu.

you will require a b250 series motherboard for the pentium g4560. whilst it is compatible with the h110 series you won't be able to update the bios to make them compatible unless you either own or know someone that owns a 6th generation skylake cpu .

edit: also you will require ddr4 ram.

This is true. But newest h110m motherboards come with updated bios. You can ensure if the bios version is the correct if you ask the motherboard manufacturer what serial range has the newest bios by date code.

If you dont want all that try a b250m motherboard for 10$ more.

Also, dont worry about the pentium and the 2 cores. This cpu is very fast, effective and new. Especially for games like cs

yes but the chances of receiving an updated bios h110 series motherboard in the middle east is next to zero , :pt1cable: especially ordering online .

the g4560 is 2 cores 4 threads it is a core i3 in all but name . (hyperthreading)

on top of that the OP will require ddr4 ram . might be hard to do if he is on a tight budget .

umm okay i found them both with a little bit of a price diffrence.. the b250 looks very premium so i think ill go for him..

i dont understand ur question but if u r asking about how much money i can spend on this so its about 150$.. the motherboard here in israel cost 104$ and 73$.. its pretty expensive becausem y limiti is about 140$ and its also too much.. but ill search for a used one in cheaper price..


you live in israel so you don't spend $'s you use Israeli New Shekel? what is your budget in your money not dollars ? i can look on israel websites to find a suitable product

Try looking for a very basic b250. i can find one in my country for 60euros and the cpu for 55euros.


yes its israeli new shekels.. there is a site called that compare prices between all stores..
my budget is in israeli new shekels in about 500

i personally cannot get it under or within budget . not for the performance you want . sorry/ previous generation pentiums will not hit the required fps and the fx series although a dead end platform is still too expensive .

edit: the i5 2400 that you were thinking about might be the way to go.. but i cannot say for sure it's a good idea when it is a used cpu .

the i5 2400 is too old and will propably not give you the fps u want. if you cant afford the combination i proposed, just wait for a month and save some more money. after all its very close to your budget

old yes. but will achieve what he wants . they are still decent cpus .. not fabulous but decent.

i own the g4560 and a b250m mortar so its nothing against your selection.

u r absolutely perfect. thank u so much, i cant belive u searched better then me in my own country, and this is actually a very good famose cheap store in israel and i didnt even check it.. thanks!!!

i also using alot of this userbenchmark site, though its not that precise.. u can check in youtube ppl with i5 2400 get about 150 fps.. the g4560 getting a lot more.. the only problem was in Nuke map at ''outside'' where it gets around 100 fps..

about the money.. i have money, i can buy a strong pc if i really want to.. i just dont really want to, so it doesnt matter to wait a month or half year.. i limit myself to 500 shekels to spend on this hobby..

thank u guys a lot, ill consider this g4560 and the b250m..


get the b250m and g4560 purely for the upgrade path.. the board will last you 5 years if you upgrade the cpu over the years.. all the way to i7 7700 at the moment .

you're welcome too.. this is my hobby :) it is why you should always tell us the exact budget in your money rather than dollars.. so we can search for the best for you.

userbenchmark is decent enough.. a lot of variables component wise can make a difference but it does give a basic idea :)

Hi iknow its been a while but i check the G4560 long time and i have seen that it doesnt has such a good performance like i thought.. its actually same like my cpu currently in my laptop..
but i found the i7 2600k which has much much better performance in csgo than the g4560..

so i think i should go for it, cause i found a guy in my country selling it for about 110$.. and the g4560 requires me a new motherboard which require the new ddr4 which is expensive..

what do u tihnk

one more question why did u give me b250m instead of b150m which is a cheaper and wont require ddr4? :O