Cheap Power supply = bad gpu performance?


Jul 28, 2009
Hey guys

I'm just wondering if a cheap power supply can affect the performance of my graphics card.
(trouble is I'm not sure how many watts my power supply is. Do I need to open the case to check that?)

I have a Radeon HD4890

and an intel 2.33 ghz processor

with 2g of DDR2 ram.


Is the Intel CPU just single core? It looks like it's at least a duo, if not quad. If you feel performance is slow, it is probably due to your CPU. Hopefully you don't have a single core or else your CPU is just too limited to perform any task or game at hand.

Anyway, a power supply shouldn't affect the performance of the graphics card unless you're trying to overclock it by upping the voltage. Even then, the only thing a PSU can do is either run the card or not have enough power to run the card.

As for your PSU, you'll need to open it and check the label for the wattage.
Ok thanks guys.

Oh and yea my processor is dual core forgot to mention that, and I actually have 4gb of RAM.

Think I was pretty tired and grumpy writing this.
