Cheap way to freeze my room (not literally)


Dec 5, 2017
My room is very small, just enough room to fit a full-size bed and a small desk in. I have a window (that I cannot install a window ac in) that is hit directly by the sun, it gets ridiculously hot in here to the point of where I sweat. I'm not allowed to work so I am very limited to what I can buy. I am trying to find a way to basically freeze my room, or at least cool it down to where I can use a blanket to sleep.
You basically have two options, since you cant do any window mounts.
You can get a portable AC unit (most of which require a window shim for an air intake, but the unit is inside the room)
Or you could get a portable swamp cooler, much cheaper on power, but less effective by far.

What is a swamp cooler?

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it. Nice PC build btw.

Seems like it would cause a great deal of rust and corrosion.